bump to baby (a before & after)
we took a few shots during out maternity shoot with an idea to copy cat that very pose later, when “Boy S” came along. well, the outfit we chose fit a lot quicker than i had imagined. in fact it’s getting pretty snug. so we hurried along to our favourite place to shoot in our town; Old Town FoCo.
before (37 weeks pregnant) and after (Shailo, 2 months old)
this photo is a personal fave of the bunch because of his adorable little smirk, but as you can see it didn’t really copy cat the before picture ;)
i should be posting a 3rd photo we did here, however …
as you can read on his face; DISTRACTED. so we never did capture that exact shot. What, might you ask, could possibly be distracting him from such a fun photo shoot (note the sarcasm, I mean, he’s 2)?!
say cheese! a camera, of course! We noticed his interest in Ted’s camera and this year spotted this amazing “kid’s tough” digital camera and knew this would be the perfect christmas gift for Chasey-boy.
and oh. my. word. does he love it.
i’ll be posting his photos soon! i’m planning to do a little series as he photographs!
Shailo’s 2 month photos coming soon too!
p.s. check out this Ted took which captured the colour of Shai’s eyes!
I wanted to write a post before 2012 arrives and was inspired by Chelsey from The Paper Mama to do a post of key things from each month in 2011. I gathered and shared mostly just what happened on here (my blog) the past year. What a year it’s been!
I tear up when I look at the above photos of my Chasey-Boy. I think the biggest change in our family, besides having a new baby boy obviously ;), it Chase. I mean, can you believe it? I’m in awe of how much he’s grown in just ONE year. Wow. This really makes me want to stop and savor each moment this year, so much more! As I put this collage together I showed Ted and we both agree that this year has brought the most change in Chase. He is a little man now and can actually have a conversation with us! When did this happen?! TEARS. Seriously, time is flying before our very eyes!
entered 2010 with heartache just 4 months after Eisley’s death. // Chase turned one and a half (look at how much he’s changed this year! Too fast!) // did my first ever ‘What I Wore’ post and actually posted them! My first photos I willingly posted since my major weight gain. Took a lot to do it but I did! // wrote a post about new year’s resolutions (and still feel the same about them this year!) // posted honestly about Ted and I and how losing Eisley affected us. // blogged words that resonate. // posted a few DIYs; homemade booklet, recipe box , jewelry holder // and more…
had a dream that spoke deeply // did a lot of Valentines DIY projects; paper heart garland, heart frame , “LOVE” display // guest blogged at U-Create // spray painted some jars for decor // 5 months; our shock started to wear off //learned about pinterest and got myself and many friends hooked haha! // found some awesome images that reminded me of her // i was brutally honest // and then felt horrible about it // posted an easy peasy DIY // and more…
wrote blurry // signed lease papers for a duplex // found out we were expecting our 3rd baby // barely made it off the couch out of fear of losing baby // turned 24 // opened my Etsy store // posted DIY freezer paper stenciling // did quite a few {thrifted treasures} posts; 1, 2, 3. // 6 months after losing Eisley I realized some things //
moved from my grandparent’s home into a duplex // gave a house tour on the blog // found out that baby #3 was a boy at just 13 weeks pregnant // decided on the perfect first name for S (writing a blog about his name and full meaning soon!!) // let my fear of losing Shailo paralyze me from really doing anything (see that couch there, yeah, I was on that most of this month) // april began the failing of my Etsy store, i lost all motivation when i became so anxious and fearful in pregnancy // April 26 arrived – one year since we’d found out we were pregnant with our Eisley-girl // wrote a whopping 4 blog posts total …
Ted turned 26 // threw an “Abie in Wonderland” party for my sister’s 18th birthday // i made business cards and did my first ever craft fair (loved it!) // 8 months passed and I wrote ‘Grace’ // wrote about Chase’s love for music // Ted his first wedding! //
this was an eventful month for sure // finally fought my fears, sought after peace and His heart for me in this pregnancy and made myself get up // did the 30 Day Photo Fun challenge // made a bunch of tissue paper flowers for two different parties (Chase destroyed most of one batch but i re-did them and they were better anyways :) // planted a flower garden // did a simple home decor/party DIY // posted a before and after of our hallway (need to update this majorly!) // made a gate entrance sign! // finally shared we were pregnant…5 months pregnant… // threw a ‘Mustache or Bows’ gender reveal party // celebrated Ted’s 3rd Father’s Day //shared part 1 and part 2 of a new series I started called ‘Pregnancy After Loss’ // celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary // posted “Eisley’s Song” // faced our most bittersweet news in our pregnancy with S //
celebrated Chase’s 2nd birthday! // my momma turned 44 // fell in love with instagram // walked almost daily to the park nearby // spent hours at Windsor Lake Beach // shared some fun photobooth pics //
took Chase to the Zoo for the first time ever! (above photo is of when he saw a live elephant for the first time; priceless.) //Chase had his first train ride and loved it dearly and still sometimes talkes about it // whined and whined and whined about being pregnant during Colorado’s 23 days straight heat wave of high 90s with humidity. I LOVE heat and humidity just {not} pregnant apparently! // hence spending hours at Windsor Lake Beach // reached 26 weeks and 4 days // shared a remarkable memory // began the boy’s room // wrote part 3 and part 4 of ‘Pregnancy After Loss’// wrote about the anniversary of being hospitalized for Eisley and the precious memories i hold very dear to my heart // had my due date pushed back a week (insert major sad face here at the time) //
oh, September. whew. // reached the anniversary of Eisley’s death // celebrated one year since the birth of our precious Eisley-girl // shared part 2 of the boys’ room // wrote ‘anniversary reactions & shadow grief’ // got rid of the “ba-bas” (bottles) // wrote a post with pictures of Chase’s summer //
did our maternity photoshoot (which i just updated with some never before seen pics of ones with Shailo’s name) // visited the “punkin’ patch” // painted the “baby punkin’” // started ‘No Sugar October’ and failed miserably just 2 weeks in! :) // had our first snowfall of the season // Ted and I bought our first car (well, a used van but still) First time for both of us!) // finished the boys’ room // made two separate birth announcements with two separate middle names for S, as Ted and I still couldn’t agree on one :)
shared a post with final belly pics and a prayer request // had a baby boy!!!! // shared precious pictures of his first week // shared the (mostly) finished look of the boys’ room (only to have the landlord tell us we can’t use it as a room after all. Yes, true story where i sobbed.) // had Shailo’s first thanksgiving and first bath // answered a frequently asked question //
celebrated Shailo’s first Christmas and the first Christmas that Chase will truly remember // actually made and finished our entire advent calendar! // had a white christmas tree // made some cute christmas decor // Eisley’s due date week passed by us again // shared pictures of Shailo’s zero and one monthly photoshoots // shared a poem and wrote honestly about where i’m at currently // posted some precious moments with Shailo //
I didn’t really share much about what’s going outside of what I shared on the blog but Ted does exist in this family and DID have things happen this year for sure :) Like finishing 2 full semesters of college // starting a photography business // doing a TON of free but portfolio building photo shoots (we’re hoping for PAID jobs this year! ;)) // entering the bathroom a bearded man with long blond hair and coming out shaved and BALD. and much to his wife’s surprise!! ;) …
We’re excited to enter 2012 and see what kinds of things God has in store for our family. Ted and I both have some major personal goals and I feel very optimistic that we will see them through. We’re going to face and conquer some mountains this year.
1 month.
Shai is now 7 weeks old. I can hardly believe how fast time is flying by. I thought I should probably post the photos I took of him at 1 month before we take his 2 month photos :)
Because I documented every little detail of Chase’s first year (I was pretty outrageous but I love that I did it :) It inspires me to keep documenting with Shailo!) I can pretty much look back and see exactly what Chase was doing at the different baby stages. It’s amazing that I can already see the personality difference in our two boys. Oh, how I love that!
There are some similarities but mostly there are so many differences already. I know, I know, he’s only 7 weeks but still I can see them {already}. (hope to post more on the differences I see in them, sometime later)
Well, I guess if I’m going to find time to blog (which I love and miss!) then it will have to be late at night and simple posts filled with pictures, haha. I may have finally found my new perfect time to blog. YAY!! ;)
Good night, world.
Moments with Shailo (in the hospital)
…with his heart against a thorn.
I’m sitting here with our precious Shailo snuggled against my chest, listening to my heart beat, beat, beat. His favourite place to lay, his most cozy comfy spot. Chase is nestled up next to us on the couch with his beloved stripey pillow and a warm, freshly dried blankie. His feet tucked underneath my leg to stay warm and probably for comfort – momma is close by.
I absolutely {love} this. And oh how my heart, and quite possibly theirs, needed this today.
I’ve held back a lot lately with the truth of where I am and today I just really want to share. I feel raw and open and ready for what’s to come with pushing publish on this post.
But first, a poem my momma gave me from Streams in the Desert;
Once I heard a song of sweetness,
As it cleft the morning air,
Sounding in its blest complteness,
Like a tender, pleading prayer;
And I sought to find the singer,
Whence the wondrous song was borne;
And I found a bird, sore wounded,
Pinioned by a cruel thorn.
I have seen a sould in sadness,
While its wings with pain were furl’d,
Giving hope, and cheer and gladness,
That should bless a weeping world;
And I knew that life of sweetness,
Was of pain and sorrow borne,
And a stricken soul was singing,
With its heart against a thorn.
Ye are told of One who loved you,
Of a Saviour crucified,
Ye are told of nails that pinioned,
And a spear that pierced his side;
Ye are told of cruel scourging,
Of a Saviour bearing scorn,
And He died for your salvation,
With His brown against a thorn.
Ye “are not above the Master.”
Will you breathe a sweet refrain?
And His grace will be sufficient,
When your heart is pierced with pain.
Will you live to bless His loved ones,
Tho’ your life be bruised and torn,
Like a bird that sang so sweetly,
With its heart against a thorn?
How beautiful, right? I cry even now as I read it again.
I could probably do a blog post for each thing that’s on my heart and mind today; depression and anxiety. feeling like a failures. finding identity in things we do and in others. high expectations of others and of ourselves. believing lies in mommahood. The list goes on… and because I don’t really know where to begin because, today I think I’ll kind of clump it all together. So if that sounds intriguing, read on. ;)
I know many dear dear loved ones, both friends and family, who struggle with depression or anxiety. Looking at their lives I never once felt it was a sign of weakness for them. Never. Yet here I am today, being incredibly raw, yes, but terrified to press publish on this post. Fear of what others might think of me or where I’m at. I always fear of someone telling me (face to face or through social media) that I speak to much of Eisley or that it’s time for me to move on or that they are tired of hearing about her and our loss. Today I’m sharing because honestly, I feel really broken and confused and my heart needs to hear from others and their experiences and wisdom, etc in this area of feeling depressed, anxious or like a failure.
It’s been a slow downward spiral for me. It wasn’t like one morning I sudden woke and felt this way. It’s been a slow digression. I’ve allowed myself to believe lies about who I am and how I’m doing things. I’ve found myself seeking for the approval of those around me that I love most. I’ve also placed high and unrealistic expectations on myself and those I love. Seeking for comfort, seeking for a way to fill this void within me. I feel lost, confused and broken. I’ve been trying to seek after His heart for me and sometimes I feel that is so abstract that I just don’t even know how to do that as well…
I’ve feared sharing the truth with people for a while now, because if I shared how I am really doing perhaps they’d think Eisley’s life didn’t change me for the better. Perhaps they’d think that the peace I talked of feeling when we lost her, was all a lie. I know that I am in an entirely different place than I was last year. Last year, I did feel peace (even though in my current state I sometimes doubt myself, I know I did). Here I am now, 15 months after her death I feel more angry and confused and broken than ever before…ever in my life.
6 weeks ago we gave birth to our 3rd. Yet we brought home our 2nd child. It’s both an incredibly beautiful and healing , yet confusing time. Even though this isn’t his birth story, I wanted to share a few photos with you that Ted captured just moments away from Shailo’s birth. It pretty much sums up how I was feeling and where I know Ted was at as well.
Fearful and anxious
Crying out to Him within. Oh Jesus, please…
Let him scream, let him scream.
And oh, did he scream (they actually recorded his first scream for us!). I “wept” (just a few tears – as much as a sedated temporarily paralyzed woman could ;)) Why am I sharing this now and not solely in his birth story? I felt these pictures truly do paint a thousand words – for that moment but also for where I feel I’m at now.
I was worried that many would think Shailo’s birth would suddenly “cure me” of my aching and grieving Eisley, so I closed myself up to sharing what I’ve really been feeling these past 6 weeks. In my pregnancy, I found myself healing in some ways with each milestone, each ultrasound and each time I heard the sound of his healthy, beating heart. At his birth, I did find myself healing in some ways. Not just in regards to losing our daughter but also healing in the birth alone. This was the first birth that wasn’t traumatizing and dream shattering for us. What I am getting at with everything that has happened in the past year and in the past 6 weeks… just as those photos above show, I am feeling an array of emotions and even in the midst of beauty I still ache. Sometimes it’s a dull ache and sometimes a sharp and piercing on which takes my breath away. I’ve been in limbo with both since we’ve had Shailo.
Celebrating his life with this dull ache in my heart. Feeling incredibly thankful for his every breath and also aching as the loss of hers. Last year I had already found the holidays to be incredibly painful without her here with our little family. This year this hasn’t changed and maybe find it even more painful, especially now that we’ve added a precious new baby. In every moment of our little family’s celebrations, victories, dreams coming true, etc… I ache and miss her and long for her to be apart of this. She should be celebrating with us.
I struggle with thoughts lately, such as; Does feeling this way and feeling depressed and anxious mean that we feel as though His grace isn’t sufficient in pain? Or is this a part of our journey? Is this a part that we will share with a weeping world in due time or can we share now, while broken and confused? Does “finding our identity in Him” mean we have to have it all together? Can we be in Him and be a broken mess too? I feel as though He’s really guiding me ever-so-gently along this journey through my grieving, through my new and growing confusion, even when and maybe especially, as these questions have risen up within me lately.
Please share your heart and thoughts with me. I know many a broken people, many with their “heart against a thorn” and I’m asking, please share with me your wisdom, your struggles, your victories, your heart…
Much love,
{Inspiration Workshop ~ Holiday Decor}
Today is my first time linking up with a fave blogger of mine. Today’s ‘Inspiration Workshop’ prompt is ‘Holiday Decor’ :) I’m excited although there isn’t much to show around here this year, there are still a few Christmas-y things up! I honestly didn’t think that I’d find time/energy to do decor this year due to having a new baby, but I was wrong! I found little windows of time because it was important to me to create a Christmas-y feel for Chase and honestly, just to {create} – it helps me remember to be myself as well as a momma! Although it did take longer than it normally would have, it was fun and now adds a cozy touch to our little home.
Chase decorating our little white tree.
Our colours for this year (and quite possibly the next few years, it’s so cheery!); blue, teal, pink, purple and green.
One of those ‘You know you’re a momma to a boy when…’ moments. :) I was going to make a little felt tree skirt, but I see no need now. He’s has a new audience under the tree first thing every morning.
Chase’s great-grandmother “GGgma” gave him this little vintage nightlight.
Our advent calendar for this year. I really didn’t think I would do one this year but found this simple idea on pinterest to buy envelopes and hang them so. I made our envelopes from paper I already had. It took me {forever} to find the mini clothespins I had in my mess of a craftroom but I finally found them just two days ago! Yay :)
It’s kind of hard to tell in this photo but I numbered each envelope.
As I was deciding what we’d do each day leading up to Christmas morning, I had to plan it around our schedule too which was interesting to say the least. I also had to keep myself from going overboard with excitement and being too ambitious. Especially as I’m still in the mix of learning to maneuver with 2 kiddos at home or outside the house (which is still a major YIKES to me!) ;) I kind of miss being a child again, anticipating the days fun event but not knowing what to expect. I love surprises, so maybe that’s why :)
For those curious or wanting ideas for next year (or this year, not too late to start!!), here are a few of the activities I chose for our advent this year (some we repeat weekly);
Decorate the tree as a family, Decorate the home, Make a Christmas playlist and sit under the tree lights, Make and decorate Christmas cookies, Make Christmas cards, Make gifts for grandparents, Put together cookie gift jars and decide who to take them to, Go out as a family and pick out this years Christmas book (we get a new one each year that the kids help pick out), Christmas family photoshoot, Have a nice Christmas-y family dinner, Open this years ornament from momma and daddy, Make a gingerbread house, Christmas movie night with hot cocoa, Read the Christmas story/Christmas-y books, do a Christmas craft, Take Christmas cookies to our neighbors, Open one gift (jammies from mommy) then bundle up and drive around to see Christmas lights (Christmas eve), After opening stocking gifts – put goals/wished for 2012 in stockings to read next year (for Ted and I this year – “read our goals we had this year, where we are now and then talk about next years goals/wishes/dreams” )… I think that’s it :)
A Pinterest inspired banner that I {love}! I stratigically placed it on my least favourite wall and it adds so much! (I want to hide our TV in an armoire but have yet to find one that I’d have to seriously re-purpose)
I hung pretty colourful jingle bells under the paper lanterns to add a cheery Christmas touch (50% off at Hobby Lobby for $3!)
I loved making the “Joy to the world” banner so much that I decided to make this one as well. Today I finally hung it :)
Chase keeps saying, “It’s so pretty!” :) Yes, he can reach it but he knows it’s something he’s not to touch.
Well that is it for Christmas decor in the Davis’ Home this year! Hope you’ve enjoyed the little mini tour.
Merry Christmas!!
a few Shailo ‘firsts’
First bath at a little over two weeks old (took that long for his umbilical cord to fall off)
I had to do some major cropping of these pics because I forgot to strategically place a washcloth below ;)
First Thanksgiving where he was held and cuddled by many of my relatives the entire day long.
First time under the tree, watching the lights.
First smile- the real non-gas related kind -11.22.11
note: this photo was taken today and besides my memory of it, I did not document that smile :)
Shailo’s first monthly photoshoot.
I did a monthly photoshoot for Chasey-Boy with stickers on onesies and this time I wanted to do photos of each month but do things a little different. I decided using paper letters (1/2 price from Hobby Lobby) It’s amazing how quickly little ones grow. I’m in awe of how fast time is flying by and how quickly things are changing. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do this photoshoot until this week which puts him at 3 weeks so his 1 month and newborn shoot won’t show much change ;)
I believe Shailo, at 3 weeks, is just now reaching Chase’s birth weight of 8lbs 150z. I’m in awe at the fact that his newborn clothes are just now starting to be tight on him! Love it!
Hi, preshy boy!
“Hold baby Lailo, peeease?!”
Chase wanted to join in the photoshoot which sparked the idea to do this every time! We’ll see if he’s willing to every month ;)
{my boys}
They’re going to be the best of friends, I just know it.
blonde or brunette?
Having a boy that’s as blonde as blonde can be…
made us wonder what colour would our second boy have. (And many people have asked me this same question, hence the blog!)
Shailo’s hair from the front it light, light, light. Eyebrows, eyelashes, the front bits of his hair…
But turn him around and look! His hair is light brown with tints of blonde.
He already has {way} more hair than Chase had for months.
I thought it would be awesome if we had two boys that looks alike feature wise but each had different colouring. We shall see :)