DIY fabric scraps to tassel decor.
DIY fabric scraps to tassel decor
image of a ribbon backdrop I found on Pinterest sparked inspiration. You see, we live in the bottom level of a duplex (just for 2 more months, yay!) and the perimeter walls are {all} solid cement. Makes decorating interesting and room walls somewhat creepy. We recently rearranged out bedroom to fit our family’s needs currently. To maximize the most space for our small room, we ended up needing to put our head of the bed against one of the cement walls. Ugh. I didn’t like it at all.
(Side note: Please excuse the quality of the photos. Most were taken with a phone)
I decided I’d had enough and would do the best I could with what we already had to make something to somehow “pretty” up that wall until we move. (I do have a headboard idea – I bought a wooden privacy screen for $5 and plan to paint it but am not able to do that at the moment due to cold weather and no garage to paint it in) Okay, enough chattin’.
Supplies used:
scissors, twine, fabric
How to DIY:
1. Cut fabric into strips of whatever length and width you’d like.
2. Lay fabric strips out in a pattern
3. One by one tie then onto the twine.
…and you’re done! It’s that easy!
You can stop here. I did for a few weeks and then decided to add a bit more…
I decided to add words to our tassel “headboard”.
4. draw letters onto fabric
5. cut letters out
He is my little crafting buddy joined in, of course :) I decided to do ‘You + me’ for two reasons; one, it’s cute and fitting. two, it was the song we danced to for our first dance at our wedding.
6. spray with fabric stiffener (a step i did not do but totally recommend, ours letters are a bit flimsy)
7. pin them to the tassel decor – you could so this for a birthday party and pin a name or word(s) to it as well! All kinds of possibilities!
Call me crazy but this simple decor really does help our room feel more welcoming and cozy!
Let me know if you do this. I always love hearing of others who do the DIYs I post and enjoy seeing pictures of your work too. Thanks for stopping by!
{Happy Sunday} and for some {Happy SuperBowl Sunday} :)
2 months.
here are my littlest man’s 2 month photos (he’s almost 3 months now, can you believe that?!)
be ready to {melt} from cuteness
big brother wanted to join in again this time. i. love. it.
this past month we’ve seen the most change…so far. full of real smiles and coos. oh my WORD, he is a joy.
also, i could swear he’s teething already (Chase began early at 3 months but his first tooth didn’t pop through until 6 months)! chew, chew, chew. drool, drool, drool
he is a super chill, {peaceful} and happy baby (once i figured out a few things for his sleeping and stuffiness)
he absolutely {adores} his big brother Chase and thinks he is HILarious. (like you see here, ha! no, but seriously, he does. ;)
{melts. my. heart} Chase thought Shailo was tickling him. so stinkin’ funny and cute!
he prefers to sit upright and look around at his surroundings. and while he really does adore his daddy and big brother, he is {such} a momma’s boy already. loves to be in my arms… and i love him there. he’s just a tad “spoiled” some would say.
Shailo Valour, we absolutely adore you and are so very thankful for you.
(in other news, kind of related to this… i have really struggled lately with our loss of Eisley. missing her being apart of even such things as our monthly photoshoots. i should be photographing 3 of my babies; my 2 month old boy, my 2.5-year-old Chasey-boy, and my 15 month’s hard not to think about the “ifs”, especially when i’m reminded daily. i know it would be a tad bit crazier than it sometimes feels now, but i’d give anything for that. anything. the constant reminder that she’s gone is still really hard for me to grasp, especially some days. anyways, my heart just kind of aches a lot lately. i am so grateful for my boys and their LIFE. so very grateful, beyond words. yet i do still ache so much knowing one of my babies isn’t with me anymore. didn’t want to make a post out of this bit, just i guess asking for your thoughts and prayers for me as i walk through this new place that i am. thanks for stoping by and for caring.)
mommahood; lies, struggles & finding freedom.
Today was one of those days that I wish I could just rewind, wake afresh, inspired, hopeful, and start again. Today was what I sometimes call a “momma fail”.
I’ve decided to do a small series on mommahood. It has been {so} heavy on my heart for a long time now. It’s a collaboration of things that have been slowly stirring up in me since I became a momma. I’m gonna jump right in and begin with when I became a mom and the struggles that immediately followed.
From a young age I’ve loved children and dreamt of being a momma. So before mommahood, I had a lot of ideas of what it would be like. What I would be like as a momma. What I would and wouldn’t do. How my child would or wouldn’t behave {insert huge smile here}. What they would or wouldn’t be allowed to eat or drink. What my body would look like after a baby. How I would interact with other mommas (a part of this series). How I would continue to do the things that are me (a part of this series), etc.
Entering mommahood was quite eye-opening and caused a sudden shift in all that I had previously thought. Of course I’d stick with the values and principles I wanted as a parent, but even that can shift with each season of mommahood. I’m not here to talk today about parenting tips or anything like that, in fact, I just want to kind of be real about some struggles I’ve had in my short but swift journey of mommahood with the hope to encourage someone out there.
I remember coming home 5 days after Chase was born. We laid him in his crib and with baited breaths just watched him sleep. Neither of us slept much that first night (seriously, who’s with me with this one?). We had left the comfort of the hospital and knowing that nurses and doctors were there in a heartbeat if needed.
I remember the very first time I was ever home alone with him. I sat holding him, just staring at his beauty and trying to wrap my head around that face that he was mine (I sometimes still shake my head in awe). That was the first time that I remember the fear and lies swept in; Who am I to mother this child? In my sinful nature, I am to be the one who molds this child?! What if I don’t do it “right”? What if I mess him up?
That was the first of many lies to come.
On days like today where I feel like I’ve failed as a mother, house maker, wife, etc, the lies quickly follow behind my heels, trying to grab hold of me and bring me down.
Today, I had enough. Enough of the lies.
I Paused. Closed my eyes. Took a deep breath. And clung to truth. The truth is we really cannot do this on our own. And actually, it is that very thing that bring my heart the most comfort. It is not by our strength that we mother – teach and mold, take care of their every need and cry, discipline, comfort and console, feed and nourish, etc.
We need Him. We need truth.
Imagine if we believed that we are all He says we are.
Imagine if we walked in full victory and pushed away the lies that every so quickly weigh our momma hearts down.
Imagine if we let joy permeate our momma heart fully, undeniably.
Imagine as that very joy pours out into our children.
Imagine if we let go of the lies that often entrap our minds and hearts as mommas and we trust that we can do this, that He has made us capable.
He is our greatest help in our time of weakness. Our strength and our strong tower (Psalm 61:3).
This joy and belief would not be a facade but in fact the very opposite. I don’t believe it would eliminate a child’s bad behaviour (though it might help it in some ways), or eliminate the messes, or the 2.5-year-old that still eats paper sometimes and chews on his sleeves all the time, if he has a shirt on. ;) It doesn’t mean that He will eliminate the struggles, no. It means that amidst the struggles and chaos that sometimes comes our way, there is a stillness within – of joy that stands firm in knowing that we are called to this and we are who He says we are. We are his and we are capable.
{Yes and amen}
Mommahood can be oh so hard and trying. But it is not by our strength alone and that brings this momma’s heart comfort tonight.
He. is. our. strength.
Breathe it in. Soak it up. Walk in it.
Rest well within mommas.
From dress to binder cover {a DIY}
Like many New Year’s Reso fans, I have a goal of getting our life organized this year. Really though, who doesn’t want to be organized? (Husbands… and men/boys in general don’t count ;)) What a serious {task} organizing is! Yikes! At the beginning of the year, I began a project I call “Organize Our Life” because I’m weird like that. And boy, is it a project.
Two pack rats (hubby more than me, not to throw him under the bus or anything, hehe), many temporary living situations, seemingly always on the go, etc, etc, excuse after excuse and boy does it pile up to huge mounds of odds and ends, some sentimental and memoury associated things (mostly my stuff because I save EVERY memorabilia), the we-can’t-throw-that-out-because-we-might-need-it-someday stuff crammed in boxes that aren’t properly labeled, bags and more bags (you know, because we go camping and hiking so much these days :)), my breast pump is somewhere in the pile of boxes we literally haven’t opened and used since we moved into our current temporary home of… ahem, a year.
We’re both at a place where we want to get rid of things, de-clutter, organize and simplify. Oh, that sounds so nice…but easy it is not. Right? So, I put together a binder titled “Organize Our Life” and began…
I was on a roll. So excited and inspired. WOOHOO! And then slowly but surely as each new week came, not so much. I began dreading it. This big ugly beast of a binder wasn’t helping much. I needed a break from the organizing, walked into our craft/office/playroom/pile-everything-in-here-when-guest-come-over room and swiped a binder from Ted’s little collection then headed right towards my crafty stuff and grabbed the following items.
Hot glue gun, sciscors, fabric scraps (in my fav shade of pink), a fabric flower, an old dress with a torn strap that I last wore when I was skinny minny me at 3 months pregnant with Chase and swore I would fix and fit into again someday (I think I now have 3 boxed full of clothes labeled ‘Jami’s skinny clothes’, HA! Someday, maybe. It will be like Christmas!! ;)) What you don’t see pictured here is felt (or just use some kind of fabric you could use for the inside covers).
Now for the ghetto fab DIY :) It’s not perfect but, I {love} it and it’s super simple. You probably have everything you need lying around.
First, I measured both the binder and a few inches to spare on the fabric so I could overlap it. You’ll see in a sec.
Cut the fabric.
Carefully hot glue the fabric on. It’s not pictured but you then cut any extra fabric you may have.
You can buy felt for $.25 a piece at Hobby Lobby. I decided on using felt because I liked the way it looked and I felt like it could hold the fabric down pretty well without me needing to use my sewing machine to make this entire cover.
Add some pretties if ya want. I used the ruffle from the dress and then added my little flare to it.
And, ta-da. This took me no time at all. This DIY will probably seem so weird to some and to others you might totally get why I needed this change. It does help for minds like mine that do not have the gift of organizing naturally :) Add a little creative spunk and perhaps peeking inside each day won’t be so bad. Wishful thinking? I’ll let you know at the end of the year ;)
A few tools that have helped me IMMENSELY and I personally could not do this whole “Organize Our Life” thing without;
- printables that other seriously awesome, gifted, organizing-love’n people created… for us… for FREE. You can go to see some of the free printables I’m using currently. And this amazing site – where most of what I use are currently from. They have a totally free day keeper printable with days of the week and all sort of amazing things.
- organizing tips and brilliant ideas from .
Hope you are {inspired to create} and maybe (dare I say it on my blog? Who am I? :) get organized!!
this is not the end.
I had “planned” on sharing a DIY tonight will you all, but my heart is heavy and somber tonight. Instead I decided to share a song that I was planning on sharing with you Sunday. It’s one that brings {hope and peace} to my heart. And tonight it seems especially fitting. Today, a friend from our days at Youth With A Mission went to be with Jesus. Just shy of 5 months ago he received news that he had a tumor growing on the stem of his brain. 5 months. There are just no words…
This life here is so fleeting, so swift compared to eternity. Oh thank you Jesus, death is not the end. Thank you that there is life, healing, wholeness and rejoicing to come.
This is truly not the end of us.
two songs for your Sunday.
I hope this music blesses your heart as much as it does mine.
“In winter I believe you
In springtime I see you
It’s so good to be with you
my hope has come
Lord you make all things new
Your love is my breakthrough
Now I sing Hallelujah
my hope has come”
How beautiful! I stumbled upon this Wednesday and pretty much haven’t stopped listening to it and their ‘Why oh Why’ song posted below. Simply beautiful, amazing and oh so {true}. Cherry blossoms have always reminded me of my Eisley-girl and of hope. That is what caused me to click the video in the first place, not gonna lie. :) I’m so glad I did.
“Faith can only grow in a real tight spot, love will only bloom when it’s all you’ve got
Nothing is sweet as a broken heart, giving God praise in the hardest part
What has been done we cannot undo, but love is never lost in the face of truth
And nothing is sweet as a broken heart, giving God praise in the hardest part”
Oh my heart….
So thankful to have found this music! Let’s carry this into next week, taking it one day at time.
“Praising Him in the hardest part.”
Insta-Friday {3}
I hope you had a wonderful week! Here’s a snidbit bit of a week with the Davis fam!
We cheered for the Broncos. My grandma yelled her little heart out, “Throw the ball, Timmy, throw the ball!” (She has a little Timmy Tebow crush. The photo above is of her fridge and there among our family photos is Tim Tebow. Love you, Grandma!) Sad, sad game. I watched only a few games this season and every time I did they lost. It’s not you Denver Broncos, it’s me. ;)
Sunday I was “sicker than a dog”. I stayed home with my little guys because we all had head colds, but by the afternoon I was throwing up (eh, and other tummy troubles…), achy, chills, etc. It lasted less than 24hrs and I was the only one sick with it…whatever “it” was. Above right photo; Chasey-boy and I had a little picnic before I felt horrible.
Left: I accidentally dropped this while moving things around and could not believe it. I couldn’t stop laughing and was especially glad Ted witnessed it. For some reason that made it so much funnier. (what you don’t see here is that I’ve dropped this before, a few years ago, and the guys leg fell off :)) Right: I added the “you + me” above our bed.
It snowed for like one whole day. Then we were back up to the 50s/60s the next. Good ol’ bipolar Colorado. I really do love it though! The warm temps that is. I really, really don’t like winter! (btw- I spy with my little eye…..)
I’ve really tried this year to get my butt in gear with a lot of things that have often or always been on my hopes/goals lists. I may be a little too ambitious with it all but we’ll see. I’m not sharing all my hopes for 2012 aloud (on here and only with Ted and one friend), I decided this year I’d share after they are accomplished (or for some, as I’m accomplishing them) because of this TED talk that my Ted showed me. It inspired me to get moving first, then share (or not). It talks about how we tend to feel a sense of accomplishment/satisfaction in sharing alone. It rang so true to me (not for everyone) that I decided to see what happens if I just do first, then share… and wow.I am hoping to share more and more as the months go by.
This month one of my feats is finally, FINALLY figuring out what works for me and my little family in regards to budget friendly meal planning (2 weeks out), couponing, smart shopping, etc. I feel burdens literally lifting from my shoulders doing this. This week I decided to snap pictures of a bit of my process and share. Yay! Please know, I’m not braggin’ here. Seriously, I’m not claiming super woman here. Seriously, it’s taken me 5 years of being a wife and 3 years of being a momma to figure out what works for us, HA!
Left: I was kind of stunned to see this number pop up after my last post. 646. Just wow. I love it! Since I was a teenage girl, I’ve been journaling and blogging my heart away (on Xanga back in the day. Anybody remember Xanga? Does it still exist?) Right: I’ve begun to blog a bit more as you can see. Like I said in the past few posts, I miss it. Let me just say without saying everything, there is a lot more coming this year. I’m sad to say I’ve said I’d write many blogs regarding this or that and then I never did (um. exactly the point of the TED talk…) I had every intention (intention smention :) without being intentional and actually {doing} them. Enough said…
Got my hair did. By THE cutest stylist ever. heart-throb. ;)
Spent a late night up with this little cutie. Besides the one late night, he’s a phenomenal sleeper. He’s ten times better than my 2.5yo. I was a little nervous at first but now… AMAZING.
Left: We had two dear friends come up to visit us. Upper photos: My friend showing Chase her salsa dance moves and holding baby Shai. Bottom left; Chase and my friend skating in the house in vintage fisher price skates I pulled out of someone’s trash (and cleaned, don’t you worry ;)) Right: We made delicious and healthy homemade pizzas on whole wheat tortillas. Seriously, so good and SO many possibilities.
I had an amazing night of worship, writing and a little bit of my heart healing this week. Ted was out-of-town for the night, it was just me and the boys. We spent the night over at my grandparents and I stumbled across this music that brought me to my knees, in tears. After everyone went to bed, I laid awake humming it softly and crying. It moved me so deeply. I felt things that I hadn’t in too long. BAH, I want to blog this very thing right now….
back to insta friday…
Left: Shai’s first time sucking his thumb to sleep! Right: Shailo “chatting” with his great-GREAT-grandmother. My GG. It’s her 88th birthday today. (Speaking of my GG… my grandparents and GG were in a car accident this afternoon. They are all okay, just shaken up. Would you pray for healing to their achy bodies?)
My friday mornings are painful and I’ve found that my afternoons need to be light and freeing. Something therapeutic… so my Friday’s are for sewing. Today I sewed this little baggie with fabric I had just lying around. It’s the catch-all for my purse. I already LOVE it :)
And finally,
{oh my heart}
tattoo artist: daddy (with PERMANENT marker… yes indeed :))
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I’m kind of an open book. I mean if you read my blog, you know this. I share things maybe most would keep to themselves. For a few years I kept hidden a dark part of my past and once I was honest and shared, I found myself changed deeply. I finally felt free. I find there is something about sharing honestly, rawly (new word :) but carefully that is so freeing and even healing.
I know in doing so you open yourself up to criticism and to judgment, yes. But also to encouragement and even along my journey of sharing I’ve found it encouraging others to speak (my favourite part).
To be real.
The truth? When I share in person or hit “publish” on here I always keep in mind that because I’m putting myself out there, sharing my heart and emotions, it leaves room to be hurt. And I have been hurt in sharing, yes.
Still, I see the {hope} in sharing the bright parts of my journey as well as the deep, darkest valley ones too.
I write freely and I don’t consider myself a scholarly writer with eloquent wording and grammar (I mean, let’s be real here, I rarely ever have a post without grammar and punctuation flaws. Those of you who watch out for that – I can hear you chuckling right now :)) But I still do it.
Freely, openly. Raw, honest, authentic.
This is me. No barriers, no walls, no facades as I write. I’ve realized sharing your journey honestly can be healing.
Perhaps I share this way because it’s something I crave and am drawn to; realness. The blogs I frequent most are authentic and real. Heartbreakingly raw at times.
I encourage you to share your journey, the bright moments and dark valley ones. Wait and watch as you find healing. Wait and watch as it blesses someone else.
You may find there is healing in sharing your journey, you may not (and that’s totally okay!). I’ve personally found sharing to be healing and it bring hope to myself and to others. I shake off the negativity that sometimes comes my way and share with my heart even still because of how deeply freeing I find it.
Today, I just felt to share about sharing.
You may be surprised at how much your journey and authenticity could bless another.
Be {honest}, be {real}, be {brave}.
Insta-Friday {2}
Oh golly, I would {hug} the makers of instagram (seriously). I love to capture the moments along our journey in life and this tool makes it even easier than ever before. I seriously {love} it and I think my mother-in-law way up in Alaska appreciates all the documentation of her grandbabies as well ;) Here are some photos from the past month. I hope to do insta-friday from here on out so not to cram all of them into one post again. Plus it’s fun to reminisce on some of the things that took place in our week!
a few ‘you know you’re a momma to a boy when…’ moments captured.
Left: Last Saturday my beautiful friend Alaina wed. I was supposed to be standing beside her (in Illinois) in my beautiful black bridesmaid dress but instead sat on the couch (in Colorado) in a Breckenridge shirt and jammie bottoms crying my eyes out. True story. I had to make the toughest decision after realizing I couldn’t make it happen and that my family needed me more in this time. It was hard but I’m SO thankful I was able to watch it LIVE! Right: We’ve all been sick this week. Shailo’s been a trooper despite the many meetings with this suctioner aka miracle worker as you can see. :)
Perhaps my favourite moments captured this week. Chase and his great-grandfather, Willard (my grandpa)
Colorado has had a bit of a “heat wave” the past week so we ventured out to our nearby park.
daily fun with my boys.
how stinkin’ cute?!
left: bath time bubbles. right: blue bath time fun. Sesame Street Fizzy bathtub colours. $1 for 9 different colour tablets!! Your kiddo(s) would LOVE em’!
Ted captured Shai’s blue, blue eyes. Taken by Ted – go check out of his latest work.
A major part of our lives right now; organizing, simplifying, de-cluttering- you name it. It’s a must this year. A must.
A before and after of Ted’s office space. Displaying some of Ted’s film photography.
Left: replaced Ted’s film work with a few of my fav intax photos. Right: Ted’s bookcase at the moment. He’s outgrown yet another one! CRAZY man will have a library by next year at this rate ;)
Last week I went on a spontaneous date night to Sherlock Holmes WITH a modern day Sherlock. ;) No, but seriously. Ted caught a guy stealing, running to a getaway car and take off. These guys have been robbing many stores in Fort Collins and they caught them! We joked that Ted has been watching too much White Collar on his winter break from school ;)
And finally, me and my beautiful, and surprisingly strong, 2 month old boy. My mini me with blue eyes.
You can find me on instagram:
a belated Christmas post
This post is waaaaay overdue but I’ve regretted not posting some of our Christmas-y things. I used to be so on top of taking pictures, editing them and posting them almost right away and now… oh wait, I had a baby! ;) But I really don’t want that to become my excuse. You find time to do the very things you love and blogging just happens to be on my list of things that I love! So I really hope to pursue one of my passions again. I miss it so much.
whoa, I digress. Here some photos of our holiday.
This was Chase’s first year helping decorate the tree. He really took tree decorating very seriously ;)
This particular holiday seemed very special and perhaps it is because Chase really joined in with me in decorating and creating. I really, really loved that part. Oh my heart! What joy he brings.
Chase and I’s handywork this year. Simple, beautiful, fun.
Above left: “Let every heart prepare Him room” banner. Right: our activity advent calendar.
Quite possibly my favourite Christmas tradition, or maybe just my sweet tooth talking ;)…
Sugar (& other) Christmas cookie baking day! Look at his eyes when he realized I was watching him (above right) ;)
what’s a cookie without sprinkles, sprinkles …
This was Chase’s first year to enjoy in this yummy tradition.
Last year we began a tradition of opening jammies Christmas Eve, a tradition passed on from my own family. This year we added a new tradition, our own, of heading to town to see the pretty Christmas lights. Ted and I try to sing Christmas songs and Chase, sweet boy, would cut us off with, “Wonder Pets, Wonder Pets, we’re on our way…” and then wait for us to join in with {him} in finishing the Wonder Pets entire theme song. What a fun memory! :)
Ya know us, we just had to do photoshoot of the jammies before heading to see lights. Oh how I love these photos. So precious!
Little smirks. (I call this his little old man face)
(I just had to post this photo of Shailo’s facial expression when Chase first sat down with him. :) It’s like he’s saying, “Seriously mom and dad, a flashlight for big brother. REALLY?! Ahh! Get him away! ”)
This year was especially fun because it was Chase’s first year he thoroughly enjoyed Christmas; the tree, lights, music (particular fond of, well Wonder Pets, but also Away in the Manger – which we changed to say “the little baby Jesus lay down his sweet head” I tried to video him but to no avail ;)) , stories of baby Jesus, presents, etc. He {loved} this year.
Our Christmas photo was another story…
({my handsome boys} opposite colouring as of now. I {love} it!)
Our Christmas photo was a challenge. You might think being married to a photographer, we’d have it set. WRONG. It was horrible. Chase was extremely wound tight, Shailo was fussy and I didn’t feel well at all. The picture below is one of maybe 2 he actually sat for.
