my disappearing act is over (for the most part).
I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth in regards to keeping my blog updated. {A lot} has happened since I last wrote.
We have moved, yet again! We had an insane month of March with packing, still searching for a place, finding a place (to rent), packing some more, a dear friend’s wedding, Ted being a best man, working and doing to school full time and then finally, our “big” move an hour and a half (ish) south. Cra-zy. Then we move in and it’s literally been go, go, go since we have. All good things though!
I wanted to just write a quick update while my kiddos are sleeping to say I’m still here, missing blogging and sharing my heart and photos. Will be back hopefully once things settle down a bit here. Thanks for popping by. Until then here are a few photos… (all taken with instagram because I’m short of on time to post camera photos ;)…)
Shai; is now 5 months old, scooting and trying to play with brother! {Unbelievably fast}
Chasey-boy; doing GREAT here. A big helper to momma and super excited about our new home because he lives near a bunch of friends around his age!
Ted; busier than ever but it’s about to be a little easier on his shoulders. He has a bunch of new and exciting things about to take place for him. He is working his last day in Fort Collins as I type (huge yay!) and has a new job down near us that is much better for working with him school-wise. So thankful. He’s also lost a little bit of weight (we’re both getting back into the routine of health and to keep “shedding” pounds this week!) and yes, he did shave (had to for an interview) and thankfully he got him that job because he sure love his beard :). More soon.
As for me, I am enjoying making our place home-y, taking care of my precious little studs, and now, caring for a baby girl, Addi, during the weekdays as well. I have been slacking since our move, but have to share my exciting news… you guys, I have lost a little over 15lbs now and am, hopefully, on my way to a healthier Jami!! Got my nose re-pierced which has been a (yes, slightly silly) goal of mine for 3 years now since I had Chase. I said, if I could lose 15lbs, after the initial post partum weight loss chunk that comes off, then I could. And I did it. I have a {LONG} way to go but am more hopeful than ever before. Sharing some exciting things with you all soon…
I am hopeful that this new season, new move, new home, new job(s), etc… is a great step in the right direction for us.We feel, for the first time in almost 2 years (since bedrest), that we are {finally} regaining some sort of footing and finding hope that we can accomplish our dreams. Here we go. Be back soon :)
Hope you had a Happy Easter and continue to dwell in the promise of the new and resurrected life He’s given.
3 months.
We blinked and Shailo turns 4 months tomorrow. Cra-zy. I thought I’d better post his 3 month photos before it’s too late. If you wanna see photos of a cute, bald, chunky, drool-y baby boy near a ’3′ …stay a minute. :)
Chomping on his fingers, playing with his toes.
I could just stop here because that pretty much sums it up but you know me, I’ve gotta show a few more.
Shai is already following in his big brother’s footsteps and teething early. Chase’s didn’t pop through until he was 6 months but I’m not too sure Shai’s might come sooner :( They are really bothering this little man, his gums are so red and swollen. We shall see.
This is a perfect example of how quick he is getting. This photoshoot is getting harder by the month ;)
Do you notice his clear skin? His head is no longer covered with eczema! I tried “everything” I could to get rid of it on my own, naturally but it wasn’t working. His head got so bad it was oozing puss. I finally took him to the pediatrician and they gave me medicine for his head (for 2x daily) and it cleared up within a day! So thankful! Even with his head oozing and itchy, he still was super happy. People would ask me if it bothered him and I’d feel so bad because it looked awful but the truth is he’d try scratching it but never cried about it. Either way, I’m just thankful it’s gone.
The photos below are some I shot while Chase was stealing the ’3′ from Shailo. It was really cute and funny and ended with Shailo grabbing Chase’s arm and lots of laughter from Chasey-boy.
Oh my heart. My beautiful handsome boys. ;)
Blue eyed Shai. When people are around him they usually can’t help but smile. He’ll stare for a second and then give a huge smile and most of the time, a little giggle. He’s truly so so joyful. I didn’t think it was possible to have a baby more chill than Chase but he is. I do hold him a lot because that’s just me, so maybe that’s it. I don’t know but I love it and I am so thankful!
Chase wanted a turn too. He remembered we had a 2 and asked me for it and then posed like this all on his own.
Sillies wearing their “hats”.
Shai, you’re getting too big too fast. Slow down, little man.
DIY yarn wreath with rosettes
Recently I instagram’d a photo of a yarn wreath in progress and there was interest shown in how to make one so the next wreath I did, I decided to photograph and share with you all :)
Foam wreath(sometimes you can get lucky and thrift a foam wreath. Or you can buy one at a hobby store for about $5), yarn (Chasey-boy got ahold of mine, can you tell?), felt, scissors and a hot glue gun – or fabric glue. (also a bowl and pen if you need help making a circle)
First tie a knot around the foam wreath. Then begins the wrapping… and wrapping and wrapping :) Just like in the above photos.
Decide what size you would like your flowers. For the medium flowers I use a medium sized bowl and trace a perfect circle. (for large you can use a large plate, bowl or like me, use a large embroidery hoop ;)) So, trace, cut out your circles and then make a spiral cut.
Your next step is to roll the rosette. I actually clip the smallest tip down a bit because it’s easier to roll that way. Then you roll it inward from the tiny tip to the wider end. Then you glue.
Glue the flowers onto the wreath. I first lay the flowers onto the wreath to decide placement and then carefully glue them on.
Then hang and admire :) (Please note that I didn’t straighten the flowers before photographing this wreath. I only noticed the few small scrunched flowers after the first photogrpahs were taken. You can see the difference between this photo and last photo you’ll see on this post)
So there you have it. A yarn wreath! Hope you’re inspired to create!
(If you don’t have the time or energy to make said wreath, it’s actually up for sale on my Etsy store if you want it ;))
happy valentine’s day!
while pregnant with Shailo i found this little “chicks dig me” flinstone shirt that my aunt bought while for Chase in 2010. i just couldn’t help it and of course {had} to do another paper hearts photoshoot. looking at the two of them side to side (chase: 7 months here and Shailo 3 months) we are stunned at how much they really do look alike!
and maybe even more stunned by how fast timing is flying by. just whoa.
here’s some shots from our little paper hearts photoshoot with the boys;
(one of my new faves of these two!)
Ted did take some of his own shots of Shailo while I was but I only uploaded my shots. He may post a few of his shots on if you want to pop by.
{Happy Valentine’s Day}
DIY paper bag book
I can’t take credit for this one! At the momma’s group I attend we actually made one of these this past week. I love to make handmade books like I’ve shared on here before but never before have I used paper bags! I loved it and decided to make a few more of these books and then thought, why not take photos and do a step by step tutorial?!
Not to mention they could make a pretty cute Valentine’s Day gift and they are so simple, you’d still have time :)
I bought a package of 100 paper bags for less than $3 at King Soopers grocery store. (There are quite a bit of paper bag crafting ideas on Pinterest if you’d want to put the rest to good use :)
lay them on top of one another like this so the pockets are in between every other “page”.
you can tie your ribbon, lace or whatever you use however you want. i just chose this way.
and you’ve made a book! See, so simple! I’m sure kids would love to do these as well.
then all you’ll need to do is add content and pretties.
I love the little pockets in them. You could add a few notes or “surprises” in between them.
and then you’re done! Super easy and holds so many possibilities; quiet book, book of quotes/truths/verses, colours or number book for kiddos, valentine’s book, picture album, etc. So fun!
Hope you enjoyed!
{Happy weekend!}
insta-friday {4}
joining in with Life Rearranged for Insta-Friday fun :) Here are bits and pieces of the last 3 weeks
If you follow me on instagram you’ll sure see a lot of these two :)
Middle: Chase is currently obsessed with Cars 2 that Grandma Anisa bought him. Here (middle pic) he was picking up his cars and showing Shailo each one; “Franchesso” “Liking Makeen” and “madar”. So stinkin’ cute!
Right: We also found our Bumbo seat for Shailo and he {loves} it as he prefers to be upright and looking around.
Shai turned 3 months old this past week.
Chase and I working on a wreath. He peeled off every sticker on the back of the felt and “we” made a million-bazillion flowers for this particular wreath. A bit of a DIY coming soon (for the flowers).
Left: One night while crafting (on my current crafting space which is our living room floor) I turned to find my littlest man had rolled for the first time ever! {Shocked} me! Right: clean baby smells and smiles.
Left: Chase enjoying a mustache pop that was from a frozen bunch from our Mustache or Bows party. (I don’t like them anyways, but ew? he loved it.) Middle: Chase is a good big brother but has had a rough go round the past few weeks. We decided to start taking him out, with just one of us – daddy or momma – and {just} Chasey-boy on mini dates to even just simple errands like a late night Target run, or a grocery or bank run, etc. He’s really loved those special times. Right: Chase enjoying the crazy wind that blew one day.
{oh my heart} enough said.
(both Pinterest inspired) Left: made some cute . Right: boiled leftover and a little bit cinnamon.
left: Chase wanted a drool bib on like Shai. too funny. middle: waiting for momma to blow on their bellies. Right: morning crawl-in-momma’s-bed-and-snuggle, pillow talk.
yet another pinterest inspired idea. Chalkboard canvas. I made a mini one for Chase so now he too can join me in doing a weekly chalkboard quote/verse or in his case – rad art.
for the first time in MONTHS I got my hair cut and layered by my sister. I had to get 2 1/2 – 3 inches of split ends cut off. :( it’s still longer than my usual short layered style and now, WAY healthier. Thanks, sis :)
Thought it’d be a blast for daddy and momma to take Chase sledding for the first time. WRONG. He hated it and cried and cried and cried. Shocked us both! I may just have to post the hilarious pictures Ted took of the experience. :)
It snowed quite a bit here this past week so we enjoyed some time outside! (no sledding ;))
DIYs for both of these coming to the blog this weekend and next week!!
and now for my fav…
my all time fav of Shai. little smirk. oh my word…
Have a great weekend!
(instagram: )
DIY paper heart garland {3}
So now, for an even simpler DIY…
So this picture actually lies… I didn’t end up using a hole punch after all, so scratch that :)
You can buy twine at any hobby store or if you’re brave enough, venture to wal-mart. Wal-mart also carries mini clothes pins for half the price of what a hobby store does. $1.97 a bag here. Not bad!
I just cut out little hearts and hung them on twine with mini clothespins.
I added some black and white photos of our little family as well.
Ta-da :)
Easy peasy cute decor.
Night, world.
(Click here for more Valentine’s decor or DIY paper heart garlands {1} and {2})
DIY paper heart garland {2}
Hi there! I wanted to hop on tonight and share two quick DIYs! I’m kind of a sap who loves Valentine’s Day – well, this whole month really. I love any excuse to decorate our home, treat and gift fun, love-y things to loved ones and also the emphasis on loving in general. LOVE it ;)
Here’s a super easy DIY that’ll add a cute and cozy touch. Holiday, party or year round decor (if it wasn’t super girly looking, I might actually consider keeping it up longer! :)
Above are all of the I supplies used to make this. I looked through my scrapbook paper and chose grays and pinks for our decor.
I drew a heart, traced it, cut it and hole punch my hearts.
Then lace them (you can use twine or yarn or whatever you can think of as well) and your finished!
(“we’re” on a monster truck kick in this house currently and yes, that is a monster truck tattoo my husb bought for Chasey-boy ;))
Like I said, super simple! Hope you have a wonderful Friday (or Saturday depending on where you’re from ;))!
Click here for more Valentine’s decor or my first heart garland DIY.
many times within a short 2 week span, i’ve heard a different take on suffering. repeatedely and in different ways. today, at a mom’s group i attend, it came up yet again and i sat stunned. but this time, hot tears fell onto my cheeks and i let myself breathe it in.
another momma was standing before the entire group, sharing what we call a “mom minute” of something the Lord was speaking to her heart lately. she shared this passage from James;
My brethren, {count it all joy} when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be {perfect and complete}, {lacking nothing}.
she shared how she often wanted to run from suffering and then ended with (i’m summarizing but here’s the jist); what would happen if instead of running from it, what if we embraced it?
please note that what i am {not} saying here is that what he is saying in the passage with the “testing of your faith” is that same as “to teach us a lesson”. ugh, no. when that is said to me or when i hear it, it baffles me and to be honest, it’s hard to swallow. that’s not the Father heart of the God that i know. not at all.
to think that our Father God would ever intentionally wound us or have us walk into a harmful situation or cause a child suffer with disabilities or have a fiance or husband just walk out and leave or let us watch as a loved one dies or permanently disable us or take away our ability to have a child (or another child) or cause a husband to verbally/physically assault a wife or let your child die… – to think that that is what is meant in “the testing of our faith” makes me feel kind of sickened. that is why i completely disagree with the statement that God does things to “teach us a lesson”…the passage says that “when you fall into various trials”, when suffering comes our way remember that “the testing of our faith produces patience”.
then our faith is tested and that then we may learn something while walking through it. (i hope i’m making sense here) …
when we do fall into trials…pain… sorrow…
we can try to hide from it.
we can try to run from it.
we can’t try to suppress it someplace deep within.
oh and do we (i) try. we can temporarily “push it away” and what good does that do. to not face it one day doesn’t mean it won’t still be there tomorrow.
besides, not facing it or pushing it away causes it to fester up, to come up in other ways in our lives, like for me personally; anger towards my love and kids, unbelievable anxiety and fear…
someone i love so dearly is walking through the most difficult season of their life. they are in the midst of suffering and pain. she recently sat on my couch and astounded me with her view on suffering. with tears welling up in her eyes and a pain that was almost tangible she told me that she wanted to get the most out of this season and her time of suffering. for a split second i thought, why?
then it hit me, why not though? we cannot deny suffering when it comes our way. again, we can try, but to truly deny our suffering… no way. it’s there.
we can’t run from it. we can’t hide it away, deep within, without it festering up in some other way and then in the end, we still must face our sufferings.
I read this passage in The Message version (which i personally love) and this is what it read;
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. {So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely.} Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
i love that. “don’t try to get out of anything prematurely”.
i sometimes hate this word but “the reality” is that suffering is here. there is no denying suffering that comes our way or the suffering that is in this world.
so what if, instead of trying to run from it or suppress it, or instead of letting our suffering have a tight grip on us, immobilizing us, we instead turned and embraced it?
what if we counted it all joy?
DIY fabric scraps to tassel decor.
DIY fabric scraps to tassel decor
image of a ribbon backdrop I found on Pinterest sparked inspiration. You see, we live in the bottom level of a duplex (just for 2 more months, yay!) and the perimeter walls are {all} solid cement. Makes decorating interesting and room walls somewhat creepy. We recently rearranged out bedroom to fit our family’s needs currently. To maximize the most space for our small room, we ended up needing to put our head of the bed against one of the cement walls. Ugh. I didn’t like it at all.
(Side note: Please excuse the quality of the photos. Most were taken with a phone)
I decided I’d had enough and would do the best I could with what we already had to make something to somehow “pretty” up that wall until we move. (I do have a headboard idea – I bought a wooden privacy screen for $5 and plan to paint it but am not able to do that at the moment due to cold weather and no garage to paint it in) Okay, enough chattin’.
Supplies used:
scissors, twine, fabric
How to DIY:
1. Cut fabric into strips of whatever length and width you’d like.
2. Lay fabric strips out in a pattern
3. One by one tie then onto the twine.
…and you’re done! It’s that easy!
You can stop here. I did for a few weeks and then decided to add a bit more…
I decided to add words to our tassel “headboard”.
4. draw letters onto fabric
5. cut letters out
He is my little crafting buddy joined in, of course :) I decided to do ‘You + me’ for two reasons; one, it’s cute and fitting. two, it was the song we danced to for our first dance at our wedding.
6. spray with fabric stiffener (a step i did not do but totally recommend, ours letters are a bit flimsy)
7. pin them to the tassel decor – you could so this for a birthday party and pin a name or word(s) to it as well! All kinds of possibilities!
Call me crazy but this simple decor really does help our room feel more welcoming and cozy!
Let me know if you do this. I always love hearing of others who do the DIYs I post and enjoy seeing pictures of your work too. Thanks for stopping by!
{Happy Sunday} and for some {Happy SuperBowl Sunday} :)