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Frequently asked questions

September 3, 2010
by colourherhope

I’ve decided to do a post on questions we get a lot and I hope this is helpful;

How many weeks pregnant are you? As of today, I am 25 weeks.

At Eisley’s last measurement appointment ( August 23rd) what week was Eisley measuring?  According to her weight and size, she was measuring 20 weeks. 

How much does Eisley weigh and how much does she need to weigh in order for her to have a chance outside the womb? On august 23rd, she weighed 9 ounces (new measurement September 7th) and they can deliver her at 16 ounces but they would prefer anything over a pound and a half.

What is the latest on Eisley’s condition? As of yesterday, september 2nd, Eisley’s doppler reading for her blood flow was showing less absence in the flow and more regular diastolic blood flow (very good news!) and her amniotic fluid was up from 9.15 to 10.75. Also, my uterus has finally grown enough to make it to my belly button (it should be far above my belly button but this is improvement none the less)! She will be measured on september 7th which will lead us to the next step.

How can we pray for Eisley? Pray for healing to her placenta. Pray for nourishment and growth. Pray for her to stay inside the womb as long as possible.

(Any more questions on Eisley, please write in comment area and I will do another one of these posts)

How is Chase handling all of the sudden changes?  Last week was pretty rough on Chase. He is obviously too young (13.5 months) to sit and listen as daddy explains why mommy is in the hospital. I mean, he just learned to the word ‘baby’ recently and he still doesn’t understand that the baby is actually in mommy’s tummy :) So, he is confused. He misses me and has rough nights with Ted at home. To top off the confusion and the time away from momma, he is also getting 6 teeth all at once; two being his first year molars.

Since Ted started full-time college the day you were admitted into the hospital, what do you do with Chase? We are so blessed to live with my grandparents (we’re def not moving this fall like talked about ;)) and to live near my family as well. When Ted is in school or doing school, my grandparents or my mom take care of Chase. He also spends a lot more time with his aunties and uncles now too. We are so thankful and so blessed that my family is able to help take care of Chase!

How is Ted handling everything? As rough as it is for Chase, it is just as much for Ted. Full time college along with work, spending time with Chase when he can as well as the long evenings with a teething boy, the drive to see me and to try to be here for the important appointments and then the time to find to do homework?! It’s a lot. (If you’re a friend of him, PLEASE be there for him in this time and encourage him!) He is doing the very best he can and I am so proud of him.

How am I (Jami) doing? I have my hours or days of fear, but for the most part I am trying to take it a day at a time and enjoy Eisley’s movements within as well as her once-a-day heart rate monitoring. I am resting in Him and believing and hoping for the best.

What is required of me? I am to be on my left or my right side at all times which helps the blood flow to the placenta. I even eat in one of these positions. I am allowed a sit down shower daily and one nightly jacuzzi which also helps the blood flow to the placenta. I must drink  lots and lots of water, I drink gallons and I am not kidding, which helps the blood flow too.

Why hospital bedrest instead of being home on bedrest? As you have seen, I am allowed very limited mobility. With a 13.5 month old who is constantly on the run, this was close to impossible, even with help, at home. Now that I have been in the hospital for a week and 5 days I realize just how much I was moving at home, despite being on bedrest. I would get up to get my own water if no one was around, I would go to the kitchen to make a “quick meal”, I would change Chase’s diapers if they needed it, or make him a bottle. I would walk the long walk to the bathroom (long for my current situation), etc. Now that I am here, I understand that I was not on full bedrest at home.

How long will I be in the hospital? As of right now, until Eisley is born. If my placenta heals, then it could be a different story, I could go home. It would take a miracle, but we believe in those!

What am I doing to pass the time? Most of the time, I am alone and it can be pretty difficult, so I sometimes just watch Gilmore Girls to take my mind off of things. This might sound awful, but it really isn’t. I am not “shutting down”, I definitely still feel emotion and everything, but sometimes just watching a show or a movie, helps. I also write Eisley a letter or more a day, draw, journal the words, pictures and verses people get for us and for Eisley. I read books and magazines. I watch tlc or hgtv. I talk with my nurses (they are AWEsome!) I recently started a sewing project for Chase and Eisley. Oh and most evenings I spend with a friend or two (I am so thankful to live nearby friends)! I’ve asked God to give me wisdom in how to take care of Eisley and myself and I really feel like I am doing the very best I can.

What can you do to help? Your prayers for sure, we feel them and appreciate them greatly! We also really need your care and support and encouragement during this time. It’s more difficult than I can express, for all of us. If you live close,  we love visits. If  you want to send a  message or text or a card, we love the encouragement. If you have a verse or a word or a picture for us, please share.

Hope this helps, please write in comment area or message me if you have more questions :)

More hopeful news.

September 2, 2010
by colourherhope

The specialists office had a change of plans and decided to do my appointment this morning because tomorrow she is booked. Right now I am seeing the specialist twice a week, typically Mondays and Fridays, so I wasn’t really  mentally prepared (as if you could be) for todays appointment, plus I am alone today too, so I was nervous.

Side note: They check weekly on the amniotic fluid levels and they do a doppler to check the blood flow from placenta to baby. Bi weekly they do a measurement checkup on Eisley.

When they checked her fluid last Friday it was at 8 something (they prefer to see 10-20) and then on Monday her fluid was at 9.15. Today her fluid is UP even more to 10.75! I was thrilled to watch that number go up! Then when they checked the placenta blood flow, I was so nervous, because the past two appointments had shown major concerns with the blood flow. Today I am happy to say that although there are still occasional absence of blood flow, it is back up as well!

A few more encouraging signs;

  • She is still scoring an 8 out of 8 on her bio-physical profile where they check her movements, her breathing, swallowing, etc. SHE is doing well and staying strong despite her placenta problems.
  • I can now feel her hiccups in my belly when a week and a half ago, I could SEE them during an ultrasound but couldn’t feel them.
  • Her bladder filled while doing the ultrasound today which is a good sign that her kidneys are still doing well despite everything.

So this may not seem like a lot but to me this is so much. I am hopeful and so was my specialist.

And I wish I had my scanner to show you the two SUPER cute ultrasound pics as of late. One of her sucking her thumb and one (of today) where she sticks her tongue out!!

Please keep praying because although this is really good news and a good sign we are not out of the clear. We need her to put on weight and we need the placenta to keep working. Please keep praying for nourishment, improvement, growth and healing.

Thank you!

x, Jami

a little bit of hope goes a long, long way

August 30, 2010
by colourherhope

Today we met with the fetal medicine specialist (thankfully they are attached to the hospital, so they just wheel me over). Right before the appointment I felt sick to my stomach and told Ted (who came down for the appointment) that I didn’t want to go and asked if we could cancel it.

I am so weary of hearing bad news and I really felt like I was doing good emotionally and mentally. I was taking it a day at a time, enjoying hearing her heart tones once daily and feeling her movements within. It is my bright hope amidst all of the bad news and fear.

Anyways, we went to the appointment and although her placenta still show concerning blood flow to and from the placenta to her (that’s been the same since friday), her amniotic fluid was up a little bit. It was a level 8 on friday and is now a level 9.15 today. It is hope, it is saying something is working to get it back up. We’re holding onto this hope and boy do I feel overjoyed. (Although levels should be 10-20s we will gladly take a 9.15 over an 8)

For the first time since we’ve been seeing the fms, she had good news and was actually optimistic. She told us Eisley’s bio physical  profile scored an 8 out of 8, which means, her breathing, her movement, her muscle tone, etc is doing well despite everything she is going through. AMEN! She is a fighter.

And He is in the womb with her being her strength. I just know it. I feel that way very strongly and I’ve had two friends give me almost the same picture of Jesus in the womb with her.

Please continue to pray for her healing, growth, nourishment, etc. She’s ounces away from being able to be born, she is 9 oz (hopefully more since last monday, but they check her weight and measure her next Tuesday) and she needs to be at least 16 oz preferably more.

 We still have a long road ahead of us, but we’re taking it a day at a time. We are holding onto hope that she’s going to keep holding on until she’s able to meet us face to face.  She’s now made it one week more than they thought possible, here’s to many more! Grow Eisley grow!

please pray this over our baby girl

August 30, 2010
by colourherhope

a poem

August 30, 2010
by colourherhope

Taken aside by Jesus, to feel the touch of His hand.

To rest for a while in the shadows of the Rock in a weary land.

Taken aside by Jesus, in the loneliness, dark and drear.

Where no other comfort may reach me, than His voice to my heart dear.

Taken aside by Jesus, to be quite alone with Him,

To hear His wonderful tones of love,

‘Mid the silence and shadows dim.

Taken aside by Jesus, shall I shrink from the desert place?

When I hear as I’ve never heard before and see Him face to face.

Streams In The Desert – August 27th reading.

Dear Eisley,

August 28, 2010
by colourherhope

(August 27)

Dear Eisley,

I’m in the hospital with you still inside my womb, fighting for life and trying to stay strong.

They tell me you are so little and too weak for us to meet you right now. They tell us there is little hope. But I am praying for a miracle to help you grow, I am holding onto hope for you my precious baby girl.

My heart is breaking because I long to hold you in my arms, to feel your soft warm skin against mine and to know you are okay but I don’t know if that will ever happen.  I long to watch you run along side your big brother and for you to know you are deeply loved by mommy and daddy. I am believing and hoping this will one day ring true.

I still feel your swift kicks and your gentle movements and I am adoring and cherishing every moment with you. With a hope for these moments to become precious memories with you by my side in the years to come.

I’m praying for you fervently, with my everything. I love you more than words can say. You are so precious to me. Eisley, please grow baby and stay strong, for your momma wants to meet you. So very badly.

I love you so much and I know that one day I will hold you in my arms and I will kiss your soft little cheek and whisper my love to you over and over and over. You are so strong and so loved.

I know He is with you in the womb. He is. It comforts me to know He is beside you in this weary time.

I’m holding onto hope for you my precious Eisley Anyalya.


Your mommy

Thoughts on life- By Ted

August 28, 2010
by colourherhope

I am sitting here with my son in my bed. My wife is about an hour south of us in a hospital.

Today as we received more bad news I began to wonder why this is so hard to take in. My little 9oz baby girl Eisley is fighting a battle that all must fight towards the end of life. The thing that is hard to understand is why NOW does she have to fight for survival? 

At the end of my life I know that all the years I have put on this body will begin to take its toll. My heart will begin to work harder and harder to continue to push the life giving substance through my body. One day it will fail and I will cease to live.

My baby girl is going through this battle before she has even opened her eyes and seen the sunlight shining into a room to say make way for a new day. This is whats so hard. The beauty of a new life is the ability to see and be seen. 

When I found out that we were having a girl my heart leaped. I began to envision a new aspect of our life as a family. In my heart I could see dreams and visions for this little one. A life of passion and love.

Now I have had to come to terms. This little child may never see the light of a new day or even feel the heat that the sun gives on her skin. I am tempted to play it safe and give up the dreams and hopes that every parent has for a child that is about to arrive in this thing we call life, but I cant.

I do not know what the final result will be in this childs life. To be honest, there are times I am fearful that this thing inside saying everything will be alright is just my voice trying to comfort me, but I do not know. Even if it is, I will not give up on this child. I will continue to hope and dream. I will be diligent in prayer and hope. This child is fearfully and wonderfully made.

I will fight to protect this child the only way I know how.

Thank you everyone who is standing with us. This road is very lonely and scary, but we know that you care. Thank you. From the depths of my heart I say thank you.

Praying for a miracle.

August 27, 2010
by colourherhope

We saw the fetal medicine specialist (fms) today. We recieved even more bad news.

Eisley’s amniotic fluid is beginning to decrease as well as the blood flow to the placenta. Even more decreased then on Monday. What does this mean? The placenta and Eisley are both made up of the same chromosomes from day one and they are the ones that produce the amniotic fluid as well as many other things. This means because the placenta was damaged, it is now decided where to nourish and where to decrease nourishment, because there isn’t enough to go around. So… Eisley’s kidneys are now not working as well as they should be which causes a decrease in her amniotic fluid. The damage to the placenta is so great that it is slowly decreasing the blood flow to and from Eisley.

Our fms told us that Eisley is a fighter because of how many times my body tried to miscarry her and here she still is, breathing well, with a strong heart beat and good movement. She said we need a miracle to keep her alive.

They’ve given us very little to no hope for her chance of survival and are telling us to prepare for the worst. Please pray for a miracle. 

I am monitored once or twice daily and am holding on to hope that I will still hear her heart beating strong each time. The ne0- natilist told us he will not deliver her within at least 10-12 days due to her weight and would obviously like to see her make it longer than that so she can be a better weight. It’s so hard to think of how close we are here for her to be delivered yet everything seems to be turning against her. My heart is breaking and hoping with everything in me that a miracle will happen. That she will survive throug this all, but I’m terrified.

Please pray for a miracle!!! Pray for growth, nourishment and life!

Hospitalized for Eisley; Details.

August 25, 2010
by colourherhope

If you haven’t already heard, I have now been admitted into the hospital for bedrest. I know many of you are wanting more details, so here they are.

At our appointment Monday with the fetal medicine specialist (fms) we found Eisley has only grown 5 days within the past two weeks. She is now severe intrauterine growth restriction (SIUGR). She is measuring 2 1/2 weeks behind in her head. 3 1/2 weeks behind in her abdomen and 5 1/2 weeks behind in her body. She only weighs 9 oz which means she’s only grown 1oz in the past 2 weeks. To get an idea of how far behind she is, a 24 week baby should be at least 1 lb 1/3. It’s amazing to me just how a few ounces doesn’t seem like much but right now, for her, it’s everything!

They’ve admitted me to the hospital, until Eisley’s arrival, whether she be delivered early or at our due date. I’m here until then. Many of you’ve asked “why did they admit you to the hospital? how is it any different from bedrest at home?” I wondered the same thing, but now that I have been here for two days (which seem like an eternity) I realize just how much I did get up at home for Chase, the long walk to the bathroom, getting up to make a quick meal, etc. Here, I am literally only up to use the bathroom and to shower once daily. They bring my water, my food, everything. I already feel the difference between being here and being home.

The hope is to get Eisley to grow. They showed us a growth chart and where Eisley has been the past month and a half. It’s terrifying. She is so far behind and now she is beginning to “flatline” which means there isn’t much progress between each week. Dr. Daye, our fms, has told us to prepare for a stillbirth. She doesn’t think she will make it 1 to 3 weeks more unless she improves.

Monday evening overnight, Eisley was monitored. Her heart rate was fairly steady at 140 bpm but showed concerning deceleration to sudden drops of 60. This is further indication that the placenta isn’t getting the proper blood flow to her. Right now we are praying for a miracle and for the placenta to nourish her enough to keep her alive until she reaches at least 1 lb 1/3. They would prefer 2lbs. Dr. Hill told us that if she can make it 5 more weeks, he believes they can deliver her with a better chance of survival.

Eisley will be monitored twice daily for one hour each.

Tuesday morning after the nurse came in to check my vitals, I laid there, crying out to God. I felt so alone because Ted and Chase are so far away and that evening I’d spent all alone. I was crying and asking Him to be with me and to help Eisley grow. As I was crying, Dr. Hill, our ob, walked in. He sat in the glider chair in the room and asked, “Jami, what do you want to see God do? What are you asking him?” I told him that I wanted to see him to heal my little girl and I’m asking him to nourish her because I’m unable to do it.

He told me, “First, its your placenta that isn’t doing it’s job. It’s not you and you can’t blame yourself. But you are asking him the right thing. For him to nourish her.” He then went on to talk about trusting God. He remembered that Eisley was our surprise baby and he said, “God’s given you this little girl and you need to trust Him regardless.” He went on to say that if she needs to be with him because maybe she wouldn’t do well in this world (if it’s a chromosome problem) then I need to trust him. He also said to keep praying and hoping that she will grow and be here with us.

I’m so thankful to have our Doctor be such a man of God. I mean, who would have thought I’d be sitting there talking about trusting God despite these circumstances with my ob doctor? It’s such a blessing to us right now, especially with the discouragement we’ve had from our fms and the neo-natilist here.

I believe God is bigger than anything any doctor could tell us. I believe that he can heal the placenta if that is what the problem is and nourish my baby girl. Please pray for Eisley for growth and nourishment and to make it’s just 5 more weeks. That’s all I can ask from you.

Please pray for Ted, Chase and I as well. Monday Ted wasn’t able to be there for the appointment with the specialist because full time college started up again. (My mom was with me at the appointment which really helped me) I have been hospitalized at a hospital 1 hour and 15 minutes away from my family which is so hard. Because of Ted’s schedule with school and mostly because of the cost of driving down, they will only be able to come down two times a week. I haven’t been away from Chase for more than a day, so this is incredibly hard. My grandparents and my mother are taking care of Chase while Ted is in school, so we do have help, which is wonderful. I just miss my family and being alone is so hard, especially right now. Please pray for strength, grace and peace for us all. Ted and I both feel so weary and emotionally/mentally worn out already, I know we can get through this, but we’re afraid and now we’re not together anymore, which makes this harder.

Please i am asking you from the bottom of my heart to please pray for our baby girl.

10 projects I want to do and you might too! (1)

August 22, 2010
by colourherhope

01:: This altered hoodie by Alisa burke. A m a z i n g.

02:: Handmade quilted coasters by The Mother Load

03:: A great idea for homemade cards by One Pearl Button.

04:: Homemade baby bibs by Oopsey-Daisy.

05:: A mod podge vase by Prudent Baby. A great idea for easy, diy home decor!

06::  Sew a shower curtain! Cute! Found here on Design Sponge.

07:: DIY decor for the kids room by  Impress Your Kids.

08:: Wardrobe refashion by Evie S.

09:: From fabric scraps to home decor. Found on Better Homes & Gardens site.

10:: Decorate your own tea set by Re-nest.  This is amazing, right?!

I hope at least one of these projects have inspired you! I will be blogging more posts like this, with DIY projects and such while I am on bedrest. Stay tuned!