about us
Ted Harlan, 26 years
Also known as babe, dada and Teddy.
(No, Ted does not colour his hair and no, he is not albino :) This is a FAQ so I thought I’d clear the air :))
A 25-year-old husband, father, son, brother, friend, photographer, teacher, currently a student, musician, worship leader and artist…
Enjoys: photography, photoshop, hangin’ out with Chase, guitar, singing, reading, college, thrift store shopping, foreign countries and cultures, his iphone, socializing, and seeing people walk in freedom in Christ.
Desires: to be a great father, to grow our children to be excellent in their passions, to see people understand who they are in Christ, become an excellent photographer and to raise awareness through photography.
Funny thing he said: “Babe, your hands don’t look too swollen… but your feet look like little sausages!”
Favourite quote: Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
- C.S. Lewis
Jami Joann, 24 years
Also known as Chica, Babe, Jam, Jimbo, JJ, Pazo, Jay…
A 23-year-old wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, writer, artist, crafter, and blogger.
Enjoys: being a momma, writing (journal or blog), drawing, art journaling, DIY projects, photography (as a hobby not an occupation)- basically creating and capturing beauty, singing, cultures, ethnic food esp thai food, guitar, coffee, board games, small groups of people, depth, rain, redemption, seeing people find freedom in Christ.
Desires: to always support my family, to inspire, to change the world by walking in who I am in Christ, to move to Thailand, to have many children, to constantly learn, grow and create, to be more merciful than just and to be real and authentic and I desire to carry on the legacy my daughter left behind, I hope to be her voice to the world.
Funny thing she said: “Ted, I’m going to stay awake until I fall asleep.” (while prego)
Favourite quote: “It was bliss to breath, to move, all thoughts of sorrow fled away; joy was my visitor that day, and with it hand in hand came Love.” -Streams in the Desert
Chase Journey – July 18, 2009
Also known as Chasey or Chasey-boy, Lil Skudder, CJ, Chompers, Buddy…
An imaginative, determined, funny, ornery, and joyful little boy.
Enjoys: Going for walks to the park, running around in his dinosaur costume, eating, keeping mommy on her toes, cuddling, learning to say new things, running, the outdoors, “klo klo” (kloe) a 2lb morkie, and exploring his new surroundings!
Desires: going on a walk almost daily, to always run and read books and wear his dinosaur costume daily (he LOVES it)
Funny thing he said: “Hi-Ya” at 2 months old. Obviously a baby ninja in training.
Favourite quote: “Feed me or no one sleeps.”
Eisley Antalya – September 17, 2010
Our sweet Eisley went to be with her Heavenly Father, when I was 7 months pregnant. She passed away in the womb on September 14th, 2010 and was born after 3 days of labor on September 17th, 2010. She was perfect and beautifully made. She had her momma’s nose and her daddy’s big lips. She was stunning. Our hearts ache and we miss her everyday. One day we will see her again. I prayed for her to be whole and healed and now she is. Forevermore.
We love you our Sweet Eisley. Your little life changed ours for the better and your legacy will live on.
Boy S – (in the womb) Should arrive November 2, 2011
Also known as… (to come… if I share what Chase calls him it might give it away :))
Enjoys: Making his momma tear up whenever she feels his swift and sharp kicks within, listening to his brother and daddy talk.
Hello from Australia! *waves*
Oh, you gorgeous things! I just found your blog today and, I hope you don’t mind, have posted about you on mine. What a sweet little man you have there! I’m 33 weeks pregnant with my first, he’s due on 27th April and Oh. My. Gosh. I can’t wait!
I look forward to browsing through your blog :)
Oh, you gorgeous things! I just found your blog today and, I hope you don’t mind, have posted about you on mine. What a sweet little man you have there! I’m 33 weeks pregnant with my first, he’s due on 27th April and Oh. My. Gosh. I can’t wait!
I came across your blog a while ago, I have been following it as you have spoken of Eisley.
I always had you in my prayers, and I will keep you in my prayers for as long as you wish. I pray for strength in your family.
Eisley was a little girl with a huge legacy. She had an amazing journey, and she was a tough little fighter. Reading the things you had to say about her, there was a connection between you two, just from the fighting that you both endured.
I could never imagine what it felt like. Never.
Although, I am too young to think about that anyway (:
I wish you strength and courage in the rest of your life, and know that she is always up there, with Him, watching you. She is watching you and your family. Making sure that you are all safe and happy.
I love reading your blog. It’s inspiring.
I have told many of my close friends of your struggle, and I honestly don’t even think there is a way to describe it like you do. No one understands until they read your beautiful words themselves.
Thank you for sharing your story. Keep us updated on your life, and how Chase is doing. He is the cutest little baby boy (:
My prayers are with you,
Kaitie Watson
This blessed me so much, thank you Kaitie!
Hi Jami,
I read this today, and thought of you, something that you may be interested in reading and perhaps contributing to.
i found your blog via ucreate….i think that there was a reason behind me finding it last night. i started at the beginning and just couldn’t stop reading. i laughed, cried, pondered….thank you for sharing your soul. your words reached corners of my heart that i thought were tucked so far away, i had forgotten they needed attention. more times than not, you came to my mind today and i felt like i needed to let you know…..
i am so thankful you wrote this. means so much to me and i’m very glad that some things were awakened in you! thanks for stopping in Becca!
HI there,
I’ve just spent some time on your blog and reading your story.
First of all.. hugs.
You are brave and courageous.
I too hv lost three children. You can read my story here on my blog under the MY STORY TAB.
I’d love for you to be featured on my Inspiration Interview series I am doing on my blog. right now.. I’m taking spots into April and May, and I would love to feature you, your blog, your awesome talent and etsy.. and anything else u wud love to share.
Ppl need ppl.. and so many could grow and learn from your story.
Love your blog title.
Love it.
I am offering an e course right now called COLOR YOUR WORLD.. and omg.. after reading about you and your life.. we sound like kindred spirits.. although I just turned 49 and am old enuf to be your mom xo
Love your website,
hope to hear fr you. xo
u can find me on etsy here
facebook here
I usually fb more than twitter
and my blog is here
plse email me and let me know if u wud like to participate in the inspiration interview series.
thank you.. hugs
Thank you for writing me Bonnie. I sent you an email!!
Jami, I pray that you walk in peace. That with each step you take your trust in Christ will grow, even when you’re standing on the edge of that mountain, sister. It’s so uplifting to see that with all you have been through, you stand strong in God even when you feel your weakest. There is so much beauty in your brokenness, you just can’t see the big picture yet. (and let me tell you, it’s going to be one stunning picture ;))
John 12:24-26
I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
Know that you are helping to make some beautiful flowers, friend :)
Love, T.
wow… thank you Tabitha… this really blessed me.
Hi Jamie..I would like to send you an email..do you have a way to be contacted that is private? I was just hoping I share a few things with you (we have MUCH in common)even though I’m a 42 year old SAHM…I have stood in your shoes, girl. Right now ,I’m still reeling at the loss of my dad, who passed just before your little angel did. I saw your scrabble tiles on Ucreate and that happened to be my dads OBSESSION! They are darling..and I’m wanting to make them as part of a tribute to him. Please email me so I can respond in kind..when you get a chance! Thanks! Tracy..PS..LOVE your blog!! I will link up and put on of your buttons on my blog!
I just googled “Spring will come again”, because in so many ways, I need to believe that it will. This is how I happened upon your site. Having just lost my mother, I could not help but be moved by your unfortunate loss.
Through making my own art, and by reading books by those wiser than myself, I have come to find some healing. Just this morning I read “when women hit bottom, it is also where the hidden roots of phyche are”. It is from here that we are able to be joyful again, recover, and gain strength and wisdom.
Wishing you, and your readers, light from the darkness.
What a beautiful “about”. I am so sorry for the loss of your little girl. There is a peace knowing where they are. God bless.
Sending some love your way (I hope you like sweets)
thanks for making the world a more beautiful place!
Many blessings,
Thank you so much!
I stumbled upon your blog while I was looking for “You are my sunshine” tattoo ideas. My mom and I are going to get tattoos together when I graduate my schooling. I started searching around your blog around 2 and it is now 4pm and I just keep listening and listening to the song you had posted about your precious little angel. I don’t even know you but I feel so connected to your page. I will be reading this for as long as your posting. Beautiful pictures. What kind of camera do you guys have? Gorgeous family! God Bless You All!!!!!!!!!
Wow, thank you so much Sylvan. This really means a lot to me. I’m glad you like Eisley’s Song <3 I am also excited to hear you and your mom are getting tattoos together, that is so precious! We use a Canon 30d and recently, a Canon 60d as well :)
i know this entry is a few years old but i am hoping you still get comment notifications. please listen to the song “gone too soon” by daughtry. although it was written about a miscarriage, the words are extremely powerful and wonderful. i wish you a lifetime of strength and support.
yes, i do get notifications. Thank you SO much! Seriously, music helps me in healing. I’ll listen to it. <3
I have been reading your blog since you were expecting Eisley. As a mom of 4 my heart ached for you and I cried buckets reading your entries. I noticed in your last entry it looks like you moved 1.5 hours south of Fort Collins? I live in Castle Rock so I wondered if you moved close to me. If so, we’d love to get together for a playdate! My two youngest are 3yrs and 9 months. Missed reading your blog this last month, glad you are back!
Hi Kelly! This really means a lot to me. i’d love to try and get together! Let me know what you are thinking!