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a quick craft fair update

May 11, 2011
by colourherhope

Saturday was the craft fair I got to be apart of. What a fun experience! It was located in a beautiful historical church, in an old sanctuary. I wish I would have taken photos of the entire craft fair to show you the location but I forgot to. :( I did snap a few shots of our table! My grandma joined me and we shared a table! She makes aprons, purses, pillowcase dresses, blankets, etc!

Here are a few shots of our table;

My grandma’s side.

Our shared table, starting with Grandma’s blankets and ending with my things.

My side of the table.

We had a great time. It was only 4 hours and we did make back the money we spent on our spot in the craft fair plus a little. We didn’t make a lot for all of our hard work but the experience, learning what people love and what to do differently next time was well worth it! It had a slow traffic of people and I am curious to see what the next craft fair at a larger location will be like!

I am joining in another craft fair July 23rd, this one will be much larger! Yesterday I was contacted by the lady in charge of it all and she told me she and the gal who are setting everything up are also stay at home momma’s with a passion to create. They even asked me to be apart of something really awesome and hopefully I can share more soon! Anyways, it is just an incredible blessing to have some awesome things ahead after all of the hard work I’ve put into everything. Exciting!

Have you ever been apart of a craft fair or show? Do you have any tips for me? Please comment below!

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3 Comments leave one →
  1. May 11, 2011 10:17 am

    looks great jami! i’ve only participated in one craft show which was this last winter but i agree, the experience is well worth the work and time…even if the profit is small :) the only tip i have which i read from a seasoned craft show gal was to try and elevate your product so you can see your stuff straight on vs. having to look down at the products. :) anyway, so fun. good for you!
    oh, and i was wondering where the july craft show is at? do you have any contact info?

  2. colourherhope permalink*
    May 11, 2011 1:15 pm

    Hi Jami, so the next one is July not June? Would love to do it with you again if they have room for me.

  3. May 22, 2011 8:50 pm

    Awesome! I have a question about the coasters… I have made them before and they turned out great, but the last few times I have made coaster sets, let them dry really well, and then stacked them, they all stuck together. I made sure to let them dry for several days, but they still stuck! Do you have any tips or tricks on how I can make sure this doesn’t happen?


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