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Oh the possibilities! Cute things for Eisley.

August 19, 2010
by colourherhope

First things first… pink chucks! (I envision some super cute photoshoots with pink converse and a tutu!) And when she is a toddler (like Chase’s age) I would love to get her these teal and pink converse I created for her on the converse website. Maybe we will both get a pair!

I am now having a winter baby so dressing her warm and cute will be great fun! I love this beanie from Kolonbeanie on Esty.

One of these cute classic Blabla dolls for Eisley to snuggle.


You can guarantee that I will be putting Eisley in a tutu here and there. Maybe one a bit softer and not so costume like though. My sister Abie told me she wants to give Eisley a tutu every year for her birthday and I love that idea :)

This super cute teething necklace from Tweetbabydesigns also found on Etsy. This would be incredible easy to make and I am planning on it!

Now that I have a GIRL Ted will let her wear whatever I put her in and cannot say “it’s to girly” like he did with Chase with things like teething necklaces or leg warmers (i didn’t think they’re too girly for a boy, they were boy colours :))! I am so excited to have free reign to dress my beautiful baby girl!

Eisley Antalya, I hope you really like girly things, because your momma is already planning on dressing you the prettiest!

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  1. Stephanie Snell permalink
    August 19, 2010 10:02 pm

    So stinkin cute!!!! Ah!!!! I love girls!!!!

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