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Even just the tiniest glimpse.

November 21, 2010
by colourherhope

I can barely find the words lately to express what’s going on my heart and mind. It’s part of why I haven’t shared my heart (on my blog) in the past 6 days. I’m in a really strange place right now. When I first came home from the hospital I didn’t mind being around people but writing was what I found to be the most therapeutic for me at the time. Now, I can barely write words expressing where I’m at.

I’ve been in such a need of the eye contact and/or the sound of the voice of a loved one asking me how we’re really doing and the comfort in the tears shared with a friend or family member as we talk about my sweet Eisley. I’ve found these things to be very healing right now.

::Let me just pause my confusing babbling to say a {huge} thank you to all my dear friends who’ve written or skyped or called or tweeted or even commented here lately. It has meant the world to me. Seriously, I can’t say thank you enough::

Ted and I both feel like we’re taking steps backwards in the “grieving process” as Eisley’s due date nears.

December 17, 2010.

 The date we waited for with great anticipation after we first heard Dr. H announce when our little “surprise baby” was due. The idea of having a newborn added to our family during the beloved holiday season was so exciting. And then when we found out she was our Eisley we we’re even more excited (not gonna lie, I really hoped she was a girl)! The very date we thought of with great anticipation just months before is now another kind of haunting reminder that she is gone.

We’re doing a few significant things on her due date but I keep thinking even though they might be “healing” for us, it won’t be the same as having her here with us. Obviously. Yet we are hoping for peace and healing on that day rather than a feeling of depression at our reality. December 17th will probably be intertwined with a lot of different emotions and as the years go by it might be less and less raw but the ache will still be there.

A few days ago I was driving and listening to music that’s been ministering to me right now. My heart was heavy and I was crying “hot tears” (as I call them), the kind of tears stemmed from a place of deep sorrow and grief and even anger.  As I was crying, something came to my heart and poured from my mouth immediately;

 ”Father, please give me a glimpse of my daughter’s joy as she’s with you.”

I find myself whispering this prayer to my Father over and over, especially when I have those overwhelming moments of despair, sorrow, grief, etc. Sometimes, I even close my eyes and picture her with Him. I often remember this photo which you might recall me sharing a month or so ago;

I think of her in heaven experiencing things we cannot even fathom and it helps me as I ache. So this is my prayer, that since I do not have her here to with me and therefore I can’t tangibly experience her joy, that I will instead get a glimpse of my Eisley’s joy as she’s in the presence of our Father.

Jesus, please keep mending our hearts. Give us a glimpse of our daughter’s joy as she’s with You. Even just the tiniest glimpse, Father.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. Katie permalink
    November 22, 2010 5:43 am

    I join you in your prayers for even the tiniest glimpse of your baby girl’s joy and that you will feel some of her joy deep in your spirits. You are loved!!

  2. November 22, 2010 8:32 am

    I love you sweet Jamie! I’m sure all the angels are passing baby eisley around and just loving her like crazy.

  3. Madre permalink
    November 22, 2010 1:45 pm

    Thanks for sharing your heart, Bonita Hija. I love you…so very much. I wish I could take some f your pain away. I will be praying that God would indeed give you a glimpse… “Heaven is your home, and it’s all you’ll ever know.” “We miss you everyday, we miss you in everyway, we can’t wait for the day when we will see you ~ Let sweet Jesus hold you, til mom and dad can hold you…You’ll just have heaven before we do.” She is a Glory Baby!

  4. Chey permalink
    November 22, 2010 2:22 pm

    You know those little things that Chasey does that just make you squeal with delight? All those “firsts”? I just got this picture of Eisley on Jesus’ lap, and him just shrieking with delight as she giggles for the first time, smiles for the first time as she recognizes his face, and as she lays her head on his chest in a sense of safety.

    I continue to pray for you and Ted. And you know I’ll always come up there when you need/want :) Just say the word. Love you.

  5. emma permalink
    November 22, 2010 9:25 pm

    love you so much… xoxo

  6. November 23, 2010 8:03 am

    My son (2 years) was with my when I was reading the post and he saw the picture and said”Oh Sissy!” I hope that makes you at least cry happy tears (not that I want you to cry). i am praying for you continually!

    Love you,


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