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A Giveaway! (my first ever)

December 28, 2010
by colourherhope

So I thought it would be fun to start the new year out with a giveaway!!! Mostly for fun but also for a tangible way to say a {huge} thank you for reading my blog and following our journey. (I often have over 400 views a day, so even if you haven’t commented, just knowing that someone stopped in to read really blesses me!!) If this turns out well, I might just be doing giveaways more often!!

I am giving away a set of winter coasters and magnets I made specifically for this giveaway! If you want to win them, just read below!

To enter giveaway, simply comment telling me one New Years Resolution you have for 2011.

One of my New Years resolutions is to help my little family live a healthy lifestyle holistically.

On New Years Day I will be using Random Number Generator to decide the winner! Stay tuned!

Comment away friends/readers!

49 Comments leave one →
  1. Danielle permalink
    December 28, 2010 9:15 am

    so pretty Jami!!

    hmm, only 1 resolution?? :) – I guess it would have to be, to not just go through the motions of life but to live it to the fullest, leaving a legacy of Christs love, kindness, and mercy (even if just for my children) behind.

  2. Justine permalink
    December 28, 2010 9:15 am

    My 2011 resolution is to get healthier! To continue eating better and exercising more regularly. If I leave more than one resolution later do I get multiple chances to win – LOL (ps, I made these for Christmas for family and friends and got the idea from you! They loved them! Thanks for all your inspiration!) <3

  3. December 28, 2010 9:21 am

    these are so cute jami!

    my new years resolution is to get married… haha! good thing i now have a ring on my finger. ;)

  4. Jodie permalink
    December 28, 2010 9:22 am

    To exercise way more! Being lazy & allowing life to get in the way just isn’t cutting it any more! Love ur blog & ur giveaway!!

  5. December 28, 2010 9:32 am

    My New Years resolution is to have no New Years resolution. I want to seek what the Lord would have me work on this year for myself and family. I want to have him fully in my life.

  6. December 28, 2010 9:35 am

    My news year resolution is to allow God to heal relationships and restore hurts and live so I don’t fear loss. It may sound like a few, but its one big one. I’ll explain, haha.

    When I was growing up and found out I was adopted, I got very angry with life, family, everything. This last year, I lost my ex sister in law, and my grandpa. When Jen died, none of us knew she was sick. She has kidney failure from drinking. I started thinking about her life and how anger and resentment from my brother and her’s divorce had ruined our relationship. She needed a friend, I wasn’t that. Then when my Grandpa passed, I saw more of the same situations within my close knit family. Things I’d said to someone that hurt them. Things they had said to me.

    For the past few months, and honestly since Tiff, I have lived in this fear that someone else was going to die before I got to know them, or before our relationship “got better.” Or even that I wouldn’t get to say “goodbye.” I even developed a happy little anxiety disorder. I started getting scared of driving, or that my door wasn’t locked. I thought about death and loss to the point of it being crippling.

    So, this year, I am going to live like I have have been given gifts. Gift that I only got to keep a short while, but gifts none the less. I am going to stop being afraid of loss, I am going to love like Ive never lost, just said “see you later”, and I am going to war for the relationships I have now.

  7. Hannah j permalink
    December 28, 2010 9:36 am

    To put my husband first, even above my son…i find this to be really hard.

  8. Mari Quillen permalink
    December 28, 2010 9:36 am

    My new years resolution….to continue to see my daughter in Heaven, change the world here….and to love and find true joy again…and to really laugh.

    cheers to little girls who change the world!

  9. Miranda permalink
    December 28, 2010 9:45 am

    Your things are always darling. I would do about anything to snatch one of your creations :)

    I dont know you personally but I know you through my dearest friend Tasha. We were going to send you care packages While you were Pregnant with Baby Eisley And I never did end up sending you a package. Im sorry about that. I love being crafty and I was excited to send you many of my own creations, knowing how talented you are to begin with. I feel blessed to know your life and your story.

    So My new years resolution is to simply be a better person and love. No matter what. I was diagnosed with stage 3C Ovarian Cancer almost 3 years ago. I was 21 at the time. I cant have my own children.. but my greatest passion has always been to adopt. I now know why. Losing something isnt easy. but God always knows best. God only has the best intension’s for us… so i try not to ask ‘why’ when things such a these, happen. But there is still hurt. I was blessed to keep my life… So im fighting to live on with my mission. But im not that great at it. Im getting married in less then a month and I feel nothing but a new fresh start in my life.

    Youre a strong women, and im encouraged by you and your heart. This really has nothing to do with this certain craft {Ive just always wanted to speak with you :)} So bless you dear one… and your family. Shine bright… always. Just Love.


  10. December 28, 2010 9:59 am

    Ooo! How darling! I love them and I would love to have them sitting on my coffee table! :)

    One of my New Year’s resolutions is to take at least one picture a day and post those pictures to my blog on a weekly basis.

    As always love, (((hugs))), and prayers!

  11. December 28, 2010 10:00 am

    They’re so pretty!!
    One of my New Year’s Resolutions…. to be more assertive. To stand up for myself and not let myself get bullied. (I wish it something more fun like – bake more cookies! or spend more time with my girlfriends!)

  12. Nynke Arends permalink
    December 28, 2010 10:16 am

    I guess i could say i will quit smoking, but u know me, i will never do that…(at least not now ;) ) So maybe this is gonna be my Resolution: to get some dreams about the futere and start working on making them come true, even when hard times tell me i will never get there. I will.

    And something more easy: keep my bedroom nice and clean en not throw all my clothes on the floor every night.

    And drink less. Naaah, i wouldn’t do that either.

    Thats it,



  13. Brandi permalink
    December 28, 2010 10:28 am

    So sweet Jami!!

    One of my resolutions for 2011 is to listen and be respective to change and ideas. Since embarking on this path i’m on, i’ve learned alot about myself, but not others. I want to be a good strong listener and friend. And if things need to change, then so be it. Life is a dance… learn as you grow. :) <3

  14. 1inabluebillion permalink
    December 28, 2010 10:56 am

    To wake up early every morning :) Sounds silly but it’s HARD

  15. KatieM permalink
    December 28, 2010 11:14 am

    Ooohhh. I love those coasters! So pretty.

    I would like my resolution to be lose weight. Pretty normal, I guess. Or maybe just maintain my current weight.

  16. bethany joy permalink
    December 28, 2010 11:21 am

    <3 you friend!

    to finish what i begin!

  17. Hannah permalink
    December 28, 2010 12:24 pm

    Kind of a funny one. I’ve been talking about getting a tattoo for YEARS… this year, I’m getting one! Maybe even two. ;o)

  18. Mary permalink
    December 28, 2010 1:19 pm

    Love your blog, Jami! =)

    My resolution is to have “face time” with Jesus 365 days in a row.

  19. December 28, 2010 1:47 pm

    What a fun give away Jami! I just finished making my goal list for 2011…so just listing one is a challenge! One of my goals this year is to run a 5k.

  20. Denise permalink
    December 28, 2010 4:53 pm

    I’m with Petra — one of my goals is also to run a 5k!

    (Good luck, Petra!)

  21. Ariel permalink
    December 28, 2010 5:03 pm

    Hey Jami,

    Love the give away! :) I usually don’t make new years resolutions because it seems no one ever keeps them. I think for this year though my goal would be to find something that I can use as an outlet to help reduce stress and anxiety and to help recharge my batteries. I think this will be the gym and working out…I’ve been a couple times in the last weeks and it is fun! I love the accomplishment of running just a little bit further on the treadmill without stopping. And the leg machines are just awesome! :)

  22. Jess A. permalink
    December 28, 2010 5:10 pm

    I love it!!
    One new years resolution is to keep up having good quiet times!! I can be lazy and I want to be disciplined in this area!!

    You are amazing and I love you!!!!!

  23. EFotiou permalink
    December 28, 2010 5:35 pm

    My new years resolution, GO ORGANIC. The real goal I have is to start slowly with most of the things we eat, I’ll be shopping at a natural market for our groceries. Then start incorporating more expensive things like detergents and diapers and working up to natural fabrics etc. I’m so excited about it. I’ve been wanting to for a long time but it’s just so darn expensive….

  24. Katie permalink
    December 28, 2010 6:27 pm

    My number 1 goal for 2011 is to get back to running as soon as possible after the baby is born. I want to run a 5 k and a 10 k in 2011. Can I do it? Oh I sure hope so!!!

  25. marci h permalink
    December 28, 2010 7:04 pm

    Those are so cute–my new year’s resolution is to exercise more and eat more fruits and vegetables. :)

  26. Angie permalink
    December 28, 2010 11:03 pm

    I read daily & follow you on twitter but this is my first comment! My New Year’s resolution is to learn my camera! I’ve had my rebel for a year now & still mainly shoot in auto!

  27. Chey permalink
    December 29, 2010 8:33 am

    My New Year’s Resolution is to make great strides in understanding lifes priorities…and choosing to put those things in the right place. Making time for God beyond crisis management…figuring out how to show Him He’s my all. My family has never really come first and I want to figure out how to do that from afar. And I let busy-ness come before being there for my friends like I want to. I want to put first things first.

    And my other New Years Resolution is to win those coasters because they are SO cute. Help my dream come true, James ;)

    • Nynke Arends permalink
      December 31, 2010 6:19 am

      Chey darling, come to Holland, make that your resolution! (or a priority hihi)

  28. December 29, 2010 10:19 am

    I suppose I should make my resolution to eat healthier this year, after all the cookies and chocolate I went through these last few weeks…. :)

  29. Karley permalink
    December 29, 2010 1:58 pm

    These are so cute! My new years resolution is to keep up with my housework regularly! I usually do well and keep up with things for a couple weeks or so then I have a lazy day or two and everything gets out of control again! Here’s hoping…

  30. Kailey permalink
    December 29, 2010 2:33 pm

    Read at least one bible verse EVERYDAY, no matter what!!

  31. Danna Fink permalink
    December 29, 2010 2:42 pm

    Beautiful work as always, Jami. One of my NYR’s…to journal more. I love to write and don’t do it often enough. I want to do some more poetry (mostly haiku) and continue work on my novel. However, daily journaling is what jump-starts my creativity.

  32. Lisa permalink
    December 29, 2010 2:50 pm

    Found your blog the other day & enjoy reading about your life – thank you for sharing your most personal moments.

    Anyway, my news years resolution is an hour a day…at the sewing machine. I can accomplish so much more if I do at least an hour a day.

    Thanks for hosting…really lovely gift.

  33. December 29, 2010 3:05 pm

    Resolution = To let go of my desire to be in control & allow God to lead 24/7…

  34. Kristina permalink
    December 29, 2010 9:41 pm

    One of my New Year resolutions is to try to walk at least a mile a day during the weekdays. I recently had major surgery on my spine and this is one area that would really help in my recovery and preparing me for my second surgery that is needed on my spine. I have been praying for you and your family and I will continue to as this year comes to an end and we start a new one.

  35. December 29, 2010 10:56 pm

    Those are beautiful coasters and magnets!
    My new years resolution is to live a healthier lifestyle and get healthier myself.
    I’m working really hard on it!

  36. rose permalink
    December 29, 2010 11:13 pm

    I want to to stay positive about life even though I know that this year will be difficult.

  37. ethelr permalink
    December 30, 2010 2:35 pm

    to trust more, trust God, my husband, my family and to trust that God has everything under control.

  38. Jae Van Winkle permalink
    December 30, 2010 2:49 pm

    my new years resolution is to be more confident, walk out boldly as I am directed by God

  39. Kevin permalink
    December 30, 2010 2:49 pm

    My resolution is to go to church. I’d say “go to church more” but I haven’t gone in a while, so I’d be happy with just going.

  40. December 30, 2010 2:59 pm

    I haven’t had time to think about any NYR’s for 2011. So after some thought I have decided that my NYR is to not let the business of life bring me down, and do things that bring me life such as crafting, encouraging others, and simply blessing others.

    (ps – you are always inspiring me to think putside the box and expand my crafting abilities in practical/low budget ways. You are a blessing to so many people!)

  41. Amy permalink
    December 30, 2010 4:21 pm

    One of my resolutions is to continue to live healthy…working out most days, eating healthy, maintaining my weight loss for another year!

  42. Mary permalink
    December 30, 2010 5:55 pm

    Beautiful Jami, you are so creatively gorgeous.

    my challenge for this new year is to be fully obedient no matter the cost. and doing that one step at a time, leaving the anxiety at the door.

    i’m going back to school for my masters to do counseling with God’s help. so those little steps of obedience, are oh so important.


  43. amyekelly permalink
    December 30, 2010 9:35 pm

    One of my resolutions is to be more intentional in my relationships with others…especially with those who don’t know Christ.

    ps- i just LOVE your blog, jami:)

  44. December 31, 2010 12:04 am

    One of my New Year’s resolutions is to forgive someone I loved very much for making choices that hurt me deeply. I want this more than anything, I work toward it every day, and I can’t possibly do it without God’s loving help.

  45. Tanya Hollis permalink
    December 31, 2010 1:26 pm

    One New Year’s resolution… lose the 5 pounds I gained the past year! Other goals… memorize the “Who Am I in Christ” scriptures…. to guard my heart and my mind against untruths!

  46. Lesley permalink
    December 31, 2010 7:02 pm

    My goal is to get better at housework. I have a wonderful husband who does more than his fair share … but it’s time I got better at it :)
    We have been praying for your family during nighttime prayers with our baby since September when we heard of your journey on a mutual friend’s Facebook page. Wishing you peace and joy for 2011.

  47. Aunt Cyn permalink
    December 31, 2010 9:24 pm

    Love these Jami. My New Years Resolution is to get things around the house organized.

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