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Often & In Everything.

October 17, 2010
by colourherhope

I talk about Eisley often.

If you were to come to the house, you’d see, I want to talk about her. I would bring her up randomly in our conversation and throughout your stay (or at least, I would want to.) I’d want to show you the her little foot imprints so you can actually get an idea of her size.

I would talk about her often, becasue I think about her so much.

Sometimes I wonder if something is wrong with me for wanting to talk about her as often as I do so I usually try and stifle the desire to talk about her with everyone. I wonder if something is wrong with me because a lot of what we’ve gone through with her was so shocking and traumatic and yet I want to talk about everything still. I want to talk about my time in the hospital, about when I found out I lost her, about the three days of labor and what I felt, about her birth, about coming home and what that felt like, etc.

As you’ve seen on here, I want to talk. I realized recently why that is.

For one, I am processing through everything and sometimes, I think I am trying so hard to make sense of something that never will. So I talk and write and talk and write.

But I feel like the main reason for wanting to talk about her so often is because I am afraid of losing the memouries of the time I had with her. I am afraid I will forget something. It’s already been one month since her birth and I am afraid of how fast time is flying past. I’m clinging tightly to the time I did have with her.

Even more than I talk about Eisley, I think about her. I think about what life would have been like with her here with us. And a lot of things make me think of her too.

Just in the past few days;

I thought about her when I was in Once Upon a Child and they had an entire section of cute little girly hair barretts and headbands. I thought about her when I was painting my nails timbleberry pink for a wedding and pictured myself painting her little nails too. I thought about her when I took Chase to the pumpkin patch where we took him last year and I thought “Eisley should here with us.” I thought about her when I saw my girlfriend’s 5-month-old daughter, Adylan and remembered how we had talked about Eisley and Adylan being friends. I think about her when I see my belly and sometimes I still catch my hand on my belly as if she were still there, which might sound weird, but when you are pregnant, I don’t think you realize how often you do that.  As we drove to our friend’s mountain wedding yesterday, Ted said “There should be two carseats in the back. There should be four of us going to the wedding.” …my heart broke. He thinks about her all of the time too.

Today, I thought about her when I saw this in the newspaper today so I put it in my journal;

I talk about and think of her often and I guess that is what I need right now. It’s hard to live life without her but I will always cherish the time I had with her and I hope to carry on her legacy and be inspired daily by her little life that touched mine so.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Madre permalink
    October 17, 2010 3:18 pm

    Jami, I love you so much. You can talk to me about Eisley anytime!

  2. Chey permalink
    October 17, 2010 3:39 pm

    you just keep on talking about her. i love hearing about her. even from her ultrasound you can tell she was so darn cute! she will always be part of your family. and a precious little one that we wont ever forget…especially if we remember her aloud.

  3. October 17, 2010 3:55 pm

    I know you don’t know me. I’m not even sure if I’ve ever commented here. But I’ve been reading and following your story for a long time. I just wanted to encourage you to keep talking about Eisley! If people don’t want to hear about her, then they’re not really friends. Sometimes it may be easier talking to someone you don’t know in real life, if that’s the case, I’m all ears. I’ve never lost a child the same way you have. But I have said goodbye to 2 babies that I never got to meet. In no way can I understand how you feel, but I’m willing to try if you need somewhere to talk.

  4. Justine permalink
    October 17, 2010 6:27 pm

    I love that message above… Jami, people all over the place that don’t even know you love and pray for you… Just today I was driving with my sister and I just said, wouldn’t that be cool my she ended up moving to Denver (cause they may be moving somewhere with her hubby’s work) and I was like you and Jami could meet and hang out… We talk about you like she knows you in person. I love how much you share your life with people! You encourage, inspire, turn thoughts and eyes above. I love it! You and my sister are like the only people whose blogs i read. Keep writing! You are one special girl with a special family! Love you guys! thanks for sharing your stories with me!

  5. Stephanie permalink
    October 19, 2010 6:25 pm

    When I saw you three at the wedding I almost asked where Chase was, even though I saw him, because it felt like someone was missing. Keep talking, friend.

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