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our life right now at random.

August 14, 2010
by colourherhope

I decided to share some random facts about our life currently, because I’ve missed writing like this. Plus this is not so heavy hearted :)

  • Ted is almost one week into his two week break from school. I’ve enjoyed being able to chill with him again.
  • We live with my grandparents and it has been an incredible blessing in this season. Perfect timing.
  • My grandma bought a 2 lb morkie almost 1 month ago, named her Kloe and Chase loves her so. He chases her around and says, “Klo, klo, klo”. Super cute.
  • I’m currently listening to “beautiful things” by gungor. Someone recommended it to me just yesterday and I’m already in love. It is comforting and encouraging.
  • When Chase first wakes me in the morning, we head out to the living room where I open the blinds to let the morning sunshine in, I let Chase run around and I crawl into my bedrest bed and hold my belly until I feel Eisley move.
  • Because I must lay on my sides more often then my back or sitting up… it makes typing interesting and I’ve become quite lazy with grammer and punctuation. Sometimes I just type one handed :)
  • Also… the handwriting in my journal is extremely horrible. It will be interesting to read in the years to come.
  • When Chase wants his momma, he climbs up the little step stool we’ve set up next to my bedrest bed and he’s learned to climb down when he wants to run around. It’s been working out great, minus the one fall from the step stool.
  • Ted has a horrible cough and has now passed it on to me. I’m hoping it stays far away from Chase!
  • I could watch Project Runway seasons 1 and 6 over and over and over… and I do. :) Can’t wait to learn to truly sew.
  • Sometimes I watch tv just to try and take my mind of the negative or fearful thoughts I am thinking.
  • Chase finally understands how to blow a kiss. He’s a quick learner typically but this took him months!! I love it!
  • I have the dearest friends and am so thankful for them.
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2 Comments leave one →
  1. Gail permalink
    August 14, 2010 5:10 pm

    Praying for peace and comfort for you and Ted and healing, growth, and protection for Eisley, Jami. May God’s guiding hand be in the midst of the storm you’re in.

  2. Mary permalink
    August 14, 2010 11:30 pm

    I am praying for you and your sweet baby girl Eisley. May the God of HOPE BLESS HER and you as you wait. You are amazing and I can see how you look to Him as you walk through this difficult time. May He BLESS you more than you could ask or hope, I am praying for your sweet baby.

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