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the boy’s summer {part 1}

September 30, 2011
by colourherhope

Here is a photo which pretty much sums up our night and morning;

This morning Chase and I are trapped on the couch while the plumber is replacing the water heater and also draining all of the flooding that happened last night. So while we’re trapped he’s watching Wonder Pets on the iPad and I decided to blog some photos from our summer.

I’ve really, really missed blogging lately.  I was looking back through my blog and just {loved} looking back and remembering thing we did over the past few years as a couple, and over the past 2 years as parents. So today, I thought I’d just share some photos of a bit of what we did this summer. I’m bummed to say that I didn’t pull out the camera as much as I’d liked but here are some shots of Chasey-Boys summer.

visits to a local fish hatchery

lots and ….

lots of trips to parks in the city

A ton of swimming…

and splashin’.

 sand and sunshine (with water nearby thankfully :))

{many} trips to Windsor Lake.

our little “beach” which we all {loved}.

a fun, close up experience of a firetruck.

we spent a lot of time in our backyard

playing outside even amidst the heat

an almost daily routine of  ours was walking to the park about 10 minutes from our house.

lots of walks; just the boy and me. good memouries.

we  also spent a lot of time on the road to and from Denver to check on baby brother S.

However, out of all of this fun this summer… THE most talked about trip of the summer was his very first trip to the Zoo and more specifically, the train ride we took there. I’ve decided to do a blog post just for photos of his first zoo trip later. But for now, here is a peak into this little boy’s favourite day, possibly ever. :)

As I was going through photos I was surprised to see we have a ton which means, I’m breaking this down into 2 parts. What a fun summer with Chasey-boy and next summer with TWO boys. I cannot wait (no sarcasm here, I really mean it).

3 Comments leave one →
  1. September 30, 2011 1:51 pm

    These are such great photos! So classic feeling.

  2. September 30, 2011 9:00 pm

    These are all such awesome photos Jami! What a cutie you guys have. He’s seriously so sweet- I love his hair :-) Glad you guys had a good summer- and lots of photos to look back on these days. Bummer about your tank… we had the bottom rust out in ours and woke up to water in the basement one morning as well… not the greatest!

  3. Allibird permalink
    October 1, 2011 12:20 am

    Love it!

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