Hospital gown; Help me decide?
Hey! I am choosing a hospital gown from Annie & Isabel and would love your opinion. First though, you can read more about Annie & Isabel and the story behind the name here. Selena and Anna have incredible hearts and I just love what they are doing in creating such beautiful, unique gowns for woman. (I mean, seriously, have you ever had to wear an hospitals hospital gown?) I love and appreciate their hearts in wanting woman to look and feel, not only beautiful, but {hope}.
On a more personal level this gown means something special to me as well. Sometime during bedrest with our Eisley-girl was when I first heard from “Annie & Isabel”. They wrote me often via Twitter to encourage, love and speak hope to me and this continued long after we lost Eisley (even still). I knew that whenever I would get pregnant again, I would be honoured to wear one of their gowns. I also feel like it’s my a kind of way of really being able to thank them for their love and support to me during my darkest season. And, yes, it will be so nice to not wear an open backed gown ever again :)
So how can you help? Well, I am torn between 3 beautiful gowns. One is simple pretty, another is more creative pretty and another is funky pretty. But I love all 3 of them….Please vote and help me decide? Which one do you think is more JAMI? You can click on the photo or link below each photo to see each gown in more detail.
01:: The Isabel
02:: The Susan
03:: The Anita
I’m going to combine the votes from facebook, twitter and here and go with that :) Thanks for your help!
If you know anyone who is expecting or spending time in the hospital, maybe send them to their site or buy them one of these beautiful gowns as a gift! They have a few more pretty choices, so go check them out!
I think three looks more like you and your style…totally wonderful!
DUH!!! The Susan :) That’s the one I’m going to get when we have our next baby! :)
The Susan for sure its so cute I didn’t know you could get ur own hospital gown!!!
Those are nice, all of them! I didn’t even know you could get hospital gowns other than the ones provided by hospitals. I’ll keep them in mind; I’m expecting in September. :)
The Susan!
The Isabel. It looks so calming.
hmmm….my vote is for The Anita (though my personal favorite is The Isabel). I’m a new reader, though, so my impression of your style may not be spot on. :-)
i still LOVE the Susan!!!! if I were going to have a baby…oh wait I am!! haha ;) I say the Susan!! Super fun!
Number 3, Anita. It’s cool and unexpected.
I LOVE number two, The Susan for you! :)
The Susan definitely stands out from the crowd, while the other two are more traditional-looking, so I have to go with it, but the Isabel would be my second choice.
I’d go with the Anita. It’s something happy looking, (not to mention cute), to cheer you up in the hospital , and brighten up your pale colored walled room during the labour. :-) :mrgreen:
I say number three—if you’re gonna do it, DO it!!! :)
The Susan. ;0)
anita! love the colors and whimsical patterns…to me it looks most “jami” :)
Hey beautiful Jami!!
I would definitely say the Anita! Have a great weekend!!!
I like the Isabel…very pretty. : )
The Anita! The colors are vibrant and very beautiful!! :)
Gown 3, The Anita, is my favorite. Will you be able to nurse with this nice gown??
The Anita grabbed me right away!
It’s like walking through a summer meadow:
fresh, beautiful, and full of life!
Many blessings,
I like the third one. :)
I saw your mustache or bows sign on pinterest! It felt like I knew a celebrity, lol. Not that I KNOW you, but I “know” you ya know? hahah, anyway I thought it was way cool.
Definitely The Susan!
aww all are so cool. I believe that in your case nb. 3 would be great choice. Somehow it seams it goes with your personality (i could met through your stories!) :)))
Definitely Susan!
I think The Anita is gorgeous! Although all are nice. But since you asked, number three is the coolest.
The Anita!