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sharing soon.

September 28, 2011
by colourherhope

I have a few photos and  some things I’d like to share about the anniversary of Eisley’s passing and of her birth date. I’m not really sure where to begin and I might even just share photos from the celebration of her life that we did. I’m not sure, but sometime soon I really want to share a bit about that week and what it was like for me and for us as a family. For now I hope you enjoy this adorable (and deeply cherished) photo of Chase holding a cupcake we made to celebrate Eisley’s life.

There are a few blogs I want to share before I feel totally ready to share a post about that week. I am in the process of updating you all about Boy S (we had appointments today!) And also a few posts about Chase – one of them is coming tonight hopefully – and it’s about something we had to do that was VERY difficult for all of us. But… we did it! Coming oh so soon…because I know you’re just {SO} curious ;)


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