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Colour Her Hope Etsy Store

March 16, 2011
by colourherhope

It’s finally here! I’m so excited to share with you… Colour Her Hope Etsy store is now up and running. I have posted a few headbands to start out and over the next week I will add more items until everything I currently have made is up!

I decided to open my store on my birthday (today I’m the big 24) but most importantly on the very week which marks 6 months since we lost Eisley (September 14th) and 6 months since we first held our precious baby girl 3 days later (September 17th). It is an incredibly bittersweet week and we can’t believe it’s already been 6 months. I wanted something hopeful in this week, that amidst our grieving we can remember how much she touched and inspired our lives.

My store is inspired by and in honour of my Eisley-girl. I’m not too sure how this store is going to do, but even just the healing that’s taken place in me in just creating for this reason… that is enough for me.  I almost gave up completely on my store,  it was a slow digression. I struggled greatly in my grieving and in lies I was believing about myself. I remember one day I was trying to get myself motivated and suddenly thought “Why am I even doing this? It’s not Eisley and it’s not going to bring her back.” I was crushed. In my head this made sense and I stopped creating for weeks straight. I believed it to be true that it was so stupid wanting to open a store when I should have my Eisley-girl here. I struggled big time until one day I recognized it as a lie, I just got up and created. I thought of my Eisley-girl and just literally cried and created. The truth is I would give anything to have her in my arms but I can’t have that, I have how she has touched my life, how she  inspired me, etc. I grabbed ahold of that and created. WHEW. It has been incredible.

Also, if I do sell items, each person will get a little note about my precious Eisley and her story which is one of the greatest feelings; knowing her life is still touching others around the world. This store is just another little way to be her voice in this world. To share her story and to hopefully draw others into His loving arms.

Eeeeep! It’s really up (kinda of frightening to put yourself out there :))! Go and check it out if you’d like :)

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. Jess A. permalink
    March 16, 2011 9:35 pm

    So awesome.. thank you for fighting! I am so excited for you and honored to call you friend! Love you!!

  2. March 18, 2011 8:47 pm

    happy birthday and congratulations on the shop!
    i have been a reader a short time, but i am grateful for your honesty and authenticity.

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