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Favourite Finds {4}

March 13, 2011
by colourherhope

Today it was light outside until around 7:30 pm! I personally love the”spring forward” time change. We gain an hour of sunlight! I am finding hope in that spring is coming. The reminders that spring {always} comes is especially encouraging this year. Does anyone else find this particular season hopeful?!

Here’s number 4 of ‘Favourite Finds’ of the past two weeks. I started last week but was too wiped out to do it but tonight I really wanted to share some beautiful, inspirational ideas with you all. Most of these I’ve found online elsewhere but pinned on to my “boards” on (if you haven’t checked pinterest out yet, I recommend it! So inspirational!) but I will link them to my pinterest and you can check out all the other inspirational and some brilliant DIY ideas.

Beautiful idea for chandeliers! I want to do something similar above our dining area and in our bedroom or living room with different twists. I would use embroidery hoops!

I found this idea and pinned it from Young House love. You use magnetic paint first and then paint over it. I want to do this for Chase’s part of our craft room!

Does any one else find this brilliant? Idea for stray socks. Ted thinks it’s nerdy and it is, but I love it! Idea for our laundry area.

Incredibly cute button top tutorial!

Jersey lounge pants for Chasers and honestly, I’d love a pair too :)

I love this but when I saw this picture it sparked an idea to make one of our dressers into a changing table. Most of the time the changing pad ends up on the floor anyways (or at least for this household)!

Another dresser idea;

Dresser with storage shelves on top and screwed into the wall. I also love the paper decorating the inside of the shelves!

This idea is {brilliant}! Add velcro to a dish towel to make it a “no slip dishtowel”! I have a little 19 month old boy who loves to run by and pull the dish towels down and sometimes runs around with them. So I’m definitely doing this for our new home!

LOVE! I want to do this as we add to our family more and more. We would do a balloon representing our precious Eisley-girl. She’ll always be apart of this family :)

Transform a small closet space into something so pretty like this. Another brilliant idea!

I just absolutely love this. Another idea for our bedroom wall.

I was SO pleased to find this one! With both of my pregnancies with Chase and Eisley. I wore out my Belly Bands. This is a tutorial on how to make your own Belly Bands!! Amazing, right?!?

Idea found on Prudent Baby to hold fabric scraps! This makes SO much sense! Right now all of mine are in an organizer tower, this would be much better so I could SEE them :) I am doing this ASAP!

This photo made me tear up. Just… wow, Huh?!

Okay, I could get carried away with a mile long post of things so I should stop. Let me know if you’d like an invite to pinterest!

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. Ashley permalink
    March 14, 2011 1:00 am

    I recently started following you. Love your thrift finds. Could I get an invite to pintrest?

  2. March 17, 2011 9:32 am

    Awesome! I love it all but especially the chandeliers!

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