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Thrifted Treasures {5}

March 11, 2011
by colourherhope

Oh wow… I really can’t believe it’s been a month since I’ve posted one of these ‘Thrifted Treasures’. Or much at all for that matter. I’ve been avoiding my blog lately, because I’m in a pretty hard-to-explain-place right now. A strength but also a weakness of mine is that when I write, I’m honest and raw. The place I’m at right now isn’t a healthy place, regarding my wounded heart.

I just want to write from a place in my grieving heart instead of being so overcome by this place of my hurt and bitterness and until then, I’m silent. I know it’s hard to explain because I really can’t. I had a friend recently tell me she too was in a “speechless place” and that’s it exactly. A speechless place.  Just kinda stunned, taken aback, hurt and deeply wounded but seeking peace over anger and forgiveness over bitterness. 

 It might seem silly, but even little things like doing this Thrifted post are healing for me. I think it reminds me that I’m still me … and that I’m alive and surviving.

 Okay, enough of that… this wasn’t meant to be an emotionally raw post ;)

Well, for the first time since…. ever… I set a goal with a friend of mine to “blog once this week”. If you know me, you know this is a pretty strange thing huh? Me; not blogging. Writing and blogging, creating and inspiring …they are just apart of me and I’ve felt super disappointed with myself lately, even in my personal life – regarding these areas. So we are, this is a step ;)

Garage sale season is just beginning to start and it’s pretty much the perfect timing since we’re getting our home April 1st!

Here are my most recent thrift store and garage sale finds; Hope you’re inspired to thrift!

Kid safe coffee table $5. We learned with Chase the sharp edged coffee tables are a major bruiser. I can’t decide if I’ll redo this because it’s really well painted. We’ll see.

Large and medium rugs $4 all together.

In this lovely mess is our new kitchen table $20 (I LOVE our old one but it’s not practical with kiddos because it’s bar stool heighth) and the room divider $10. I am planning on restyling both with lots of sanding and painting and a little sewing, etc.

This was my favourite find of the week. A pink chair I found at a used furniture place for $25. That might seem spendy (it pretty much is) but it reminds me of my Eisley-girl and it’s my new craft chair. (The two lawn chairs we got for FREE!!)


I wish this was a better photo but if you look closely… it’s TEAL inside!! This chair was a serious treasured find.

So this was $3 but I think it was worth it! It looks brand new, has a sealed lid and is the {perfect} match to our colours. Going in the kitchen!

$3 brand new wicker basket

$2 organizer for the kitchen. Going to restyle this big time!

$1 dinosaur plates :)

Brand new $2 shelf (Target brand found at Goodwill).

(Side note: Notice Chase in the background… when we get home from thrifting he always helps me takes tags off (or if we forget on his toys, he tears them off himself later, haha). Well, he’s so used to this that when we were at a Thrift store he kept trying to take tags off!)

$1 curtain for one of the rooms until I make some.

Hope you’re inspired to check out the Thrift Stores and garage sales in your area! And if you begin blogging Thrifted Treasures, let me know so I can stop by your blog  and be inspired myself!

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3 Comments leave one →
  1. March 12, 2011 9:22 am

    i LOVE all of these! great finds indeed!

  2. March 12, 2011 8:32 pm

    Awesome! I’m so glad you posted again :) I always look forward to reading your blog. I’m glad you were able to find the energy and strength to post this, and I hope that God continues to heal you and show you HIS plan!

  3. March 12, 2011 11:06 pm

    hi! i love your page. your baby is so beautiful. i found you thru ucreate :)

    Come and visit me at
    I write about hairstyling, crafts, and style while including tutorials on refashioning clothes.


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