DIY paper bag book
I can’t take credit for this one! At the momma’s group I attend we actually made one of these this past week. I love to make handmade books like I’ve shared on here before but never before have I used paper bags! I loved it and decided to make a few more of these books and then thought, why not take photos and do a step by step tutorial?!
Not to mention they could make a pretty cute Valentine’s Day gift and they are so simple, you’d still have time :)
I bought a package of 100 paper bags for less than $3 at King Soopers grocery store. (There are quite a bit of paper bag crafting ideas on Pinterest if you’d want to put the rest to good use :)
lay them on top of one another like this so the pockets are in between every other “page”.
you can tie your ribbon, lace or whatever you use however you want. i just chose this way.
and you’ve made a book! See, so simple! I’m sure kids would love to do these as well.
then all you’ll need to do is add content and pretties.
I love the little pockets in them. You could add a few notes or “surprises” in between them.
and then you’re done! Super easy and holds so many possibilities; quiet book, book of quotes/truths/verses, colours or number book for kiddos, valentine’s book, picture album, etc. So fun!
Hope you enjoyed!
{Happy weekend!}
What a neat project. I am looking forward to doing it. The price is right! I also think it might work with larger paper bags! Thanks a lot for this.
So cute! Thank you for the helpful tutorial – particularly for the heads-up of how to alternate the pockets!